Amidst the shattered glass and fragments of metal, my tearful voice reverberated throughout the city.

"Mama... Papa! Don't die!"

With blood dripping from his face, my father's dying voice barely replied. "I'm sorry... this is the life you were born to. Promise me, find your happiness."

"Oi! Old man! D-Don't talk like that... t-this isn't funny!

"Don't start crying now, dumbass..." And with a smile on his face... he died.

Why are you apologizing?! I'm the one who should say sorry! If only I hadn't waited for that bitch, this wouldn't have happened!

As a river of tears flows from my eyes, I hear a faint, feminine voice whisper.


I turned my head, and what I saw next only added to my misery.

"Mama? Not you too..."

If I can't save father, at least let me rescue you! But how?! If I check her pulse...

I seized mother's hands, but when I pressed down with my fingers, I felt a weak beat slowly decelerating... Hahaha... It's too late.

With a familiar smile I've seen while growing up, mother whispered, "It's okay..."

Why are you smiling?! Can't you see what's happening?! That's not helping at all!

Don't die yet! Don't leave me behind!

|Nine hours before the incident|

While sitting on a bench with my head facing the sky and my body at rest, I whispered underneath my breathe,

"Life is boring, and it's too short..."

The atmosphere in the plaza is perfect for dozing off. The gentle breeze sings a lullaby that puts you to sleep. The scenery looks as if it came out of a Da Vinci painting. The Sun and I seem to be getting along since it's neither too bright nor too dark. And that lulling whisper of humans chirping...

"What a perfectly peaceful and solemn life..."

"When are you going to get your ass out that seat!" Shouted a voice... it's mother...

Damn it, mother! Can't you read the room... or plaza? It was supposed to be an impeccable novel introduction!

"Honey... Go easy on him."

Another voice joined the conversation... it's my old man.

"You trying to argue with me?!"

"I-I'll wash the dishes tonight!"

How useful of you, old man! They blew away that salving atmosphere, and now I can't doze off! Well, nobody sleeps in public anyway.

Why can't everyone live in a separate individual world? So in my world, I'll be able to sleep like a languid toddler.

That sounds like an idea straight from the book of stupidity, but if you could pick who goes with you, that'll be convenient. Evaluating the world now, that's not an outrageous concept. In fact, it has been our lifestyle for quite a time.

Everyone has their own little world, and people enter and exit that world like a grocery store. Throughout our lives, we've been handpicking people that will live in our atmosphere. And anything outside of it is a threat. It's like an expansionist intelligent alien race trying to obliterate your planet because why the hell not.

Alright, that should be enough inner crisis to queerly entertain me. Let's continue my solemn life.

I stood up from my seat and said, "I have work to do... I'll head somewhere."

"That's the fifth time this week... you should enjoy your youth more often!" With a worried look in her eyes, my mother complained.

"I'm relishing work, so I guess that's enjoying my youth?"

"Nothing I say is getting through that thick skull of yours... Don't be too late for school!" And mother said.

I shall depart from this sacred plaza to finish my article!

I got up and started walking. I waved and looked back at my parents since they're the only ones...


As I started walking, I realized that I nearly overlooked the utmost place to be listless! The café!

It's dead-quiet with not a single soul you can hear. The only pinch of sound you can catch is that becalming piano that transcends you to heaven. And it keeps the Da Vinci scenery earlier! This is my writer's haven! It's like I can write the most prominent piece of literature in this place!


I've arrived at my haven! Now all I have to do is order the usual and sit on my throne!


I ordered my usual cup of coffee and bowl of rice. It's a strange mix, but I love it, so fuck off! All that's left to do is-

I glanced around the café, and to my surprise...

My throne has been seized?! This early in the morning? It's 7:20 AM! Well, it can't be helped, but something may go wrong today. But now? Of all times! The timing can't get much worse. Screw it! I'll just finish my article.

Oh... I haven't introduced myself yet. Wasn't this supposed to be a second-person novel? Ah... shit! So uhh...

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a clock? Particularly the hands.

A stationary object with a singular purpose of telling time. For every tick, the hands reach a new place, yet it does not have a destination. The hands move aimlessly in order, but they will always return to the same place no matter what it does.

You can compare this object to my life. The only difference is it has a reason to exist, and I don't. A spoon with a rope as a handle has more purpose than I'll ever have.

I'm currently living an average, uneventful life, but It isn't what I crave. I'd rather have an honest, hard-working life where I have to strive for everything or a carefree lifestyle where I never have to lift a finger! My astonishingly mundane life is stuck in mediocrity.

My name is Miles, not Morales, Reyes instead. I'm your cliché, below average, fake depressing 17-year-old. The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a genuine advocate of equality among humans; I equally hate all.

It's a vital attribute if you're living in Abu Dhabi! This place is a paradise in hell where you can find all the shades of brown, but it's still miserable. I'm the type of guy who'd close the elevator door at your face or hold it for three minutes if I feel like it. I'm 6'1, my blood type is B, I have a badass burn mark on my face, and I like rice. Now you know enough to loathe me. Let us begin the journey!


February 14, 2021. Valentine's day. The amount of resent I have this day is equal to how much you will detest me. This is just like any other day with an extra touch of jealousy, and sometimes I wish all the surrounding couples become as miserable as I am.

I don't particularly like romance; I find it useless, but I've always been curious, why do people go as far as throwing away your life for the sake of someone else that may not feel the same? I've never been able to fathom an answer.

Maybe I'll find it today? The conditions are perfect since Valentine's is on a Sunday. That means we have classes...

As I packed my bag, my empathy for school becomes apparent. My movements were that of a sloth... But! I realized something!

I have perfected two abilities for days like this! First! The ability to conceal my presence and become invisible! Second! The ability to read people like telepathy! With both skills, I can avoid social interactions and stay one step ahead!


Half the day passed, and with these skills, I avoided any social interactions. The first ability may sound horrible at first but is quite serviceable if the conditions are right.

I don't have that many people to interact with from the start. The only interaction I ever do is trying to survive, jumping from group to group to satisfy my needs. Finding a place that would benefit me the most, and once it is no longer beneficial, I move on to the next... just like a parasite looking for its host.

I try not to keep favors and promises. When I get close to a group of people, once I've obtained what I wanted, I'd help them with something equally valuable and move on as if nothing happened.

It's a terrible way to live, all I'm trying to do is exist, and I don't want to live like this.


I made it past the day with minimal social interaction. Everything is going smoothly until a miracle happened! The chances of this happening again is so low, I have a better chance of beating Luffy for the title pirate king.

As an anti-social pessimist, I have no social experience with females. They're like a different species for me. The only interaction I ever have with this species is me manipulating them or any insignificant actions.


While having snacks with the current group of people I'm with, the unidentified species approached me like a little girl in love with a fake smile only I could tell.

I thought she was associated with one of these idiots I'm with but suddenly...

"Meet me outside... Kyle." Her shy voice could be heard throughout the table.

Everyone at this table is puzzled since nobody in this group is named Kyle. She instantly corrected it to Styles. At that point, I knew she was referring to me.

The way she hides both her hand behind her back and the tone of her voice tells me it may be something special, but she's uncomfortable, and she doesn't even know my name. It wasn't anything romantic.

That smile screams uncomfortable. I didn't reply, just nodded my head.