Behind the Curtains.

If the word "fucked up" was a place, it'd be what I'm currently witnessing. I may have just found my answer to a preceding question. Is this world nothing different from the previous one? It's like comparing ice to a block of frozen water. I'd say this place is a cheap knock-off of my former world.

"*15 minutes earlier."


With a smug attitude, the owner flattered, "Judging from what happened earlier, you lot are no ordinary customers."

A compliment? Trying to sweeten the pot, aren't you? Unfortunately for you, I don't bite those words, unlike this adorable idiot I'm with.

In a provoking tone, I responded, "I'm humbled by your compliment, but back to the offer... so what do you want?

"Pretty sharp, aren't we? You suddenly switch to a cocky tone... I was right about you."

"Please cut the crap, milady... you're offering us a mountain that we may not be able to climb. Surely, you have a tall order!"

The next card she'll probably play is something like, "seems like you don't want to, then I'll look for someone else." But she won't have her way.

Winning is gaining advantages even in a losing situation while losing is anything but winning. Victory is achieving the best-case scenario, while defeat is any timeline but the best possible one. She's trying to be victorious while we're trying to win.

Damn, I just realized. Ria hasn't uttered a word since going through the portal. Everybody has their flaws, and situations like these are one of hers. She may appear to be as useless as a particular character from Naruto, but my guts tell me she's hiding unparalleled skill and talent. Now back to the present...

"Seems like you don't want to accept. I'll just look for another one."

Spot on prediction!

"Hit the brakes, madam... We haven't accepted your offer, nor have we refused!"

"Then... I need you to die..."

Eh? My forehead is growing lines! I wasn't expecting that... It was good life while it lasted!

Ria, who has been silent all this time, muttered, "W-What do you mean?!"

Ahh... Ria finally spoke, but that's trivial!

"So the prodigy finally spoke..."

Ehhhh?! Prodigy?! That's more jaw-dropping than being told to die!

"We definitely require your medical skills... and Mr. psychologist with an ominous enhancement."

As Ria and I turned to face each other, Ria said, "See, Miles! I told you!"

Ria's face is begging to be praised! I'm in the middle of deciding our future, so I'll pat your head later!

Back to the topic... The sheer amount of information she collected within a few minutes is... scary. And medical skills?! Ria? My guts were right! And this big-breasted lady seems to have been through various experiences akin to negotiation. We'll have to play into her hands to win this, but die, huh? I'll keep a retreat opportunity open, so a good response now is...

"Fill me in, please. What do we need to die for? But before you answer that, is the cause illegal?"

If it is, then a tactical retreat is open, but if it isn't, then it'll probably be harmless. This woman is likely to pick the latter of the two. In fact, it'll be her only choice if she wants us to bite.

But I have a trump card, an ominous one. If I can trigger my hypothetical enhancement, then I should be able to dissect her with ease.

Refusing right now will make our chances of landing a place to stay in disappear. And someone with this much authority is... overwhelming. Turning this lady into an enemy is inviting your death.

"I'd say it's bending the rules to the limit."

That's unexpected... but it's still within my spectrum. Now, reveal your filth! Show me what's behind those curtains!

"You'll be joining the Equipoise. An association which fights for equal rights among the three human species..."


The equi-what the fuck?! And it seems like a noble cause! This woman's confidence never shattered, and her aura tells me she's as pure as a child... It may not be as criminal as I thought it would be...

"E-Excuse us for a sec."

What the hell is with that badass organization name?! Might as well entitle it "Akatsuki." And the three human species?! The scale of events suddenly jumped to a global state! That snagged all my interest! And I know the perfect person for trivial questions!

I grabbed Ria's ear and whispered, "Ria... what are the three human species?"

"You don't know what that is? You're pretty stupid, Miles. Hihi..."

That arrogant and smirky tone...

With a weak bonk on the head, I complained, "Ria. Give. Answer..."


Softly bonking her head feels good. I should do it more often! And.. back to the topic.

"So uhh... Homo Sapiens, Homo Fito, and Homo Bavos."

"That's i-"

"To explain it to your level, Homo Fito, also known as elves, are humans with advanced enhancements. Homo Sapiens, also known as man, are humans with advanced intelligence. Lastly, Homo Bavos, also known as dwarfs, are humans with advanced physical abilities."

What the hell is with that classic Isekai Anime world-building?! So this world is more mystical than I assumed! And Ria answered it flawlessly?! What the fuck?!

"Eh?... Where did all this intelligence come from!"

"I told you so..."

That smirk smile is irritating and cute at the same time!

"I apologize for interrupting your couple talk, but I'm a busy woman."

Do we really look like one? But that doesn't matter! I should weigh all of our advantages before speaking.

First is a semi-permanent place to stay in. At least one that'll last us a year. Judging from this woman's high status and this "Equipoise" she speaks of, we may have found a home that'll last us a lifetime. That's our central priority!

Second, a possible partnership. As an outworlder, gaining as many allies as possible is walking the road to success. Although I only view this woman and her people as a tool, it'd be best to gather assets.

Third, Ria! This is the only choice if I want to repay my debt to her. Recovering her lonely life isn't something I can achieve alone, so we may meet good people if we accept the offer. And the last advantage is... controversial, I suppose. So I have to ask...

"This is the last question before I answer yours. Is this event related to the incident just a few minutes ago?"

With her eyes widened, the owner replied, "How clueless are you? First, you have not a clue of the three human species, and now this? Of course it is! It happens all the time! And I'm sick of it!"


Ouch... The words that left her mouth contain unbearable pain... The tone and the way she clenched both her fist out of anger... that's a light year worth of difference between acting. Ms. Blonde big-breast has been through a lot. She may not be a threatening person, and nor is this a precarious offer.

In a comforting tone, Ria muttered, "It's okay... we'll help. Right, Miles?"

"Ahhh... You beat me to it again! We humbly oblige to your offer, Ms. umm..."

"Alice Eisenhart... You can call me Ms. Alice."

Without an ounce of hesitation, Ria asked, "I'm Ria, and this is Miles! Can I call you Al?"

"Oi! Ria! Now's not the ti-"

"H-How rude! B-But... I-I don't mind."

Eh?! She seems dishonest with herself! I can tell she likes the nickname, but she tries not to show it? I was as wrong as renaissance medical beliefs! She isn't a dangerous person, but instead, she's a... Tsundere! I don't know why but that's a relief!

Like a kid, Ria exclaimed, "Yehey! Miles, I made a friend!"

"You just got her name..."

"So doesn't that mean I'm friends with her?"

What an elementary and innocent view of life! Her innocence is something to be protected!

"B-Be grateful I stooped to y-your level! A-Anyways... here are the keys."

"Pardon me, Ms. Alice?"

I thought she'd give us the reigns of the house once our side of the deal has been done, but the hell is this? If we were ordinary people, we would've stayed in the villa and ditch it once it's time to fulfill our order. Ms. Alice is night and day from what I expected!

My mind is a cup, and it's currently filled to the brim. My parent's last wish, Ria, my personal well-being, and now the "Equipoise?" I have a lot to worry about.

Back in the sky, I thought all these elating events were compensation for a horrendous past life, but it was only the calm before the storm.

All said and done, ever since crossing that door, I have no regrets.

"Are you right in the head, Miles?"

"W-What do you mean by that, Ms. Alice?"

Like a mother worrying about her child, Ms. Alice responded, "You genuinely are clueless! This is Midway we're speaking of! Unless you're a tourist or new here, you must have heard its nickname."

Midway's nickname? Is it Gotham? Maybe Konoha... The city in the middle, I guess?

"Neh, Miles. You're supposed to be taking care of me, right? How could you not know..."

Ria's smug attitude! And did she somehow forget? I'm from another world, so how am I supposed to know!

"Ria... remember where I'm from?"

"Oh... sorry, Miles! So... The locals of Midway call this place umm... The city of riots!"

Now it's mafia-themed?! This world never ceases to startle me! It was too optimistic for me to assume a place inhabited by humans was a paradise! But when we rambled around the city earlier, not a trace of violence can be found. In fact, Midway is flawless.

"I'll be on my way now. I'll leave Francis here to show you around."

"Wait, Ms. Alice! Why is Midway called the city of riots?"

"Oh... do you want to know? Everything is behind this curtain..."

Ms. Alice unraveled the curtains and yelled, "I'll show you... the curtains of Midway!"


"What the..."

If the word "fucked up" was a place, it'd be what I'm currently witnessing. I may have just found my answer to a preceding question. Is this world nothing different from the previous one? It's like comparing ice to a block of frozen water. I'd say this place is a cheap knock-off of my former world.

"Then... farewell for now."

"Bye-bye, Al!"

"S-See you, Ria."

Now I see why it's called the city of riots... Impoverished and pitiful doesn't even describe it in the slightest.

As I stand there speechless, another voice joined the party.

"Going already? Ms. Big-breast?"

Oi! That came out of nowhere... Who said that?! Whoever did must have a death wish!

"F-F-Francis! W-What are you doing here, p-peasant?!

That reaction just now... That's twice more stuttering than when she spoke to Ria. Ms. Alice is the epitome of unpredictable...

"What am I doing?! You asked me to come here..."

"Sh-shut up! I didn't ask you to speak! A-Anyways! T-These are the people, s-so show them around! W-Well, good bye now!"


And there goes Ms. Alice... Who the hell is this Francis dude she's crushing on?


"Oh! You the door guy?"

So the Francis fellow is the one who tackled me earlier. It appears he has a rather intimate relationship with Ms. Alice. And I'm sensing a pattern with her. It seems like the more she stutters, the more she shows affection towards whoever she's speaking to. And she hasn't even stuttered while talking to me! As expected from a former loner!

"You that suicidal dude?"

Francis says I'm suicidal? Well, I can't say I wasn't.

"Suicidal? What do you mean by that?"

Like a fanboy meeting his idol, Francis uttered, "Boy! Do I look up to your bravery! You had the nerve to interfere with the police corps!"

"Yeah, Miles! Don't do that again..."

Adorable! Ria's face and the way she pinches my sweater is... Almost makes me forget that view just now...

And speaking of that view.

This is probably the most massive slum I've ever witness. I'm used to seeing shanty, run-down areas in the previous world, but one that stretches the horizon and goes as far as you can see is... something that makes me bawl my eyeballs out.

So the majestic, Renaissance-themed downtown is just an illusion. Or a fine silk curtain embedded with jewels trying to cover a sack of shit. Anyone who can bear witnessing this is Satan himself.

"Ria... pinch me, please."

She reached for my cheeks and said, "Okay..."

"Ouch! Not in the cheeks!"

"But, Miles... you told me to pinch you!"

"Forget it... Thanks for your help!"

Back to the slums, Ria is surprisingly calm. I mean, that's how she is, but this time it feels different.

"Ria... have you seen this before?"

"Hmm... Too often.

Too often, she said? Ria may be an idiot, but she has this mysterious air around her that makes you curious-

"Sorry to interrupt the couple talk, but we have to get going. We don't want to get caught in the riots."

"W-We're not a couple."

"Oh... soon-to-be. Anyways, we'll be taking the short but safe route across the slums."

Again! Do we really look like one? And this dude seems to have the same brain cells Ms. Alice has. He has an aura of some bigshot which is ice and fire compared to his mood earlier.

"Francis, right? So how do we get to the villas?"

"We could just teleport there, but Alice told me you guys want to tour the city."

How did Ms. Alice find that out?! I never spoke a word about that, and Ria too. Sheesh... that woman is terrifying. I have no choice but to play along.

"Y-Yeah, we want a tour of the city!"

As she pinched my sweater and hid behind me, Ria barely muttered, "M-Miles..."

"Yes? And why are you hiding behind me?"

"I-It's n-nothing."

She's shy around people, I guess? She was lonely for seventeen years, but that didn't show when she conversed with Ms. Alice.

"Why are you being shy now?"

"Because Al was cool!"

Discrimination, huh? But I could admire Ria being shy for a day, so I won't complain!

"I-I apologize for discomforting you, ma'am!"

"I-It's all good, Francis. So how do w-"

Francis raised his finger, and "*Snap!"