
"A-Again! Answer my question!"

"Don't be so cold to yourself, Miles! Let's have a pleasant and long talk..."

"Answer my fucking question, damn it!"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm... you."


Calm down, Miles! This isn't the time to be flustered! You can't let the other you win!

I clasped my fist, sharpened my eyes, and controlled my shivering! With all my confidence, I questioned, "You must be here for a reason. State your purpose."

The other Miles sat down with his legs crossed and replied, "Come, sit. Let's have a long talk. You have two days to spare, right?

My eyes widened a couple millimeters.

It's shocking how calm the other Miles is. He may be more capable than I'll ever be. But the duplicate Miles is still Miles, so I am whatever he is.

I sat down across my other self and asked, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Hmm... can you imagine us in the café? The one from the previous world."

This guy is playing around! Or is he? Knowing myself, there must be a hidden message, so I should play along.

"Sure, but can't you do it yourself? You're me, after all, and you're inside my mind.

"If I could, I would've done it already. You still have most of the control, so I'm powerless here."

That's giving me headaches. Why would duplicate Miles come here if he's that vulnerable? I can erase him at this very moment!

"You know, I could just-"

Before I could finish what I was saying, the other Miles interrupted.

"You could just erase me in this very moment? I dare you, Miles."

Nothing could leave my mouth after what the other Miles said.

So this is what other people feel like whenever I try to dissect them. I sure am something else!

"I know myself, Miles. I have a valuable tool that could be yours... care to hear me out?"

That stoked all my interest... So without hesitation, I replied, "Carry on."

With a sinister smile, the other Miles exclaimed, "Let us... join forces."


There's only one thing I can think of after hearing that... What the fuck?

The other Miles frantically stood up, and with a villainous laugh, he yelled, "It'll be... fun! Hahaha!

In disbelief, I replied, "Are you fucking serious?"

"Yes, I am! You're me, so you should know how fucking insane we are! If you're unsure about our alliance, you can interrogate me. You'll be doing nothing for two days anyway."

Interrogate, huh? That's not a bad idea. Duplicate Miles is powerless here, so I can just erase him anytime.

"Hmm... fine then! I'll interrogate you, but before that! I have to name you something else!"

In an annoyed tone, the other Miles replied, "Eh? I like the name Miles!"

"You know... I could just erase you if you disobey me even once."

The other Miles hilariously threw himself on the floor and begged, "Anything but that!"

"Well... you're name will be! Fukitsu!"

The other Miles sat back down again and proclaimed, "Never mind, Miles is a shitty name. I like Fukitsu better."

This guy and I think alike! I've always hated the name Miles! But! Back to the topic...

"Ehem! Fukitsu! I'll start asking now..."

"Go ahead, Miles."

I have a lot to ask, so I'll query the most abstract question first.

"First, who are you?"

Fukitsu may not be able to answer that question, but it's worth a shot.

With an abrupt shift of facial expressions, with dead eyes and a frown, Fukitsu proclaimed, "Asking the intricate questions first, huh? You'd be surprised, Miles. I am... the embodiment of your sins."


The embodiment of my sins? I'm surprisingly not surprised. I knew Fukitsu would be a sinister version of myself, so I expected that."

"Good answer, Fukitsu... Next, how were you created?"

"I do not know. I gained consciousness ever since you've entered this world."

So it's a mystery, huh? I don't mind that, but if Fukitsu can't answer the following questions, it's a lost cause.

"Hmm... next, what's your connection with Eric."

Fukitsu's body suddenly started quivering. His eyes looked like he had seen a dead man. With a shaky voice, he whispered, "D-Don't ask anything about that devil!"

Well, this is interesting... All this time, I thought he was working with Eric. But Fukitsu is still me. Whatever tragedy I've been through, he's experienced too.

"I have two more questions left, Fukitsu. Why are you created?"


No dice? It's a question about his existence, so, understandably, he can't answ-

"I was born... to kill!"


That's startling. My forehead grew lines after hearing that...

There's already been an occasion where Fukitsu took control of my body and almost murdered someone. If I hadn't seen myself in a mirror, that receptionist from the homeless center would've died.

I have one more question left. Hopefully, it seals the deal.

"Last question, Fukitsu. What's your goal?"

"That should be obvious, Miles. Your goal is mine... the only difference is that I'll take more extreme measures to achieve it!"

That puts the nail on the coffin. Fukitsu is everything I thought he'd be.

"Oh, by the way, Miles. If you're wondering what I can bring to the table, I can maneuver your body in ways you can't fathom."

"Fukitsu, you can fight? But you're me! How?"

"I've been chased by the devil and that chick Nori for a whole month. It's not that I know how to fight... I needed to."

"I get it now, Fukitsu... why you're trying to take control of my body..."

"Yes, Miles. I was trying to escape. I've been in the background all this time."

"I... sincerely apologize, Fukitsu."

Fukitsu stood up, lent his hand and said, "If you feel bad, you can make up for it by taking the alliance."

I took his hand, stood up and replied, "Looking forward to working with you, Fukitsu."

Fukitsu and I looked at each other face to face and shook hands. It appears that now is the start of a great friendship.

Haha! That's some next-level loner shit. I'm technically allied to myself!

"Well, Miles! Since I've accomplished my purpose, what do we do now?"

"Hmm... you're right. We have two days left so it'll be boring. I guess we should plan for the operation."

"I had the same idea!"

"I'm you, so it's natur-"

As Fukitsu and I conversed, another voice joined the conversation. Nori has arrived!

I saw Nori walk towards me like a zombie. With an exhausted voice and gasping for air, she yelled, "M-Master! I'm... here!"

Fukitsu turned his head around and asked, "Miles! Who said that?!"

Hmm... This is an intriguing chain of events. Nori and Fukitsu are meeting each other, but this time as allies... that should be amusing to watch!