Through The Thick Mist

W-What is this feeling?! My body feels weak... like someone is draining my energy!

I can't move my limbs!

I can't turn my head!

I can barely blink my eyes!

"Arghh! What the hell is happening?"

"Sorry... Master. But this is the only way."



I'm back again... with yet another question.

Have you ever been betrayed? If so, how did you feel?

Was there an excruciating prick of pain like you were stabbed in the back? Did you feel like your world was empty? Did you ever have the urge to shrivel up and die? Or a mix of all of these?

I don't know what to feel right now, but as I fall into the abyss of despair, the light of tomorrow vanishes at a steady pace. And the thought of losing everything again is... killing me.

"What the hell? I've been here before." I whispered underneath my breath.

I'm falling once again, but this time... everything is dark. At this point, not even the sun can illuminate this place.


Quite some time passed now, and I'm still falling. Now I wonder... what's at the end?

Do I wake up and find out this was all a dream? That's too optimistic, Miles.

Do I hit the ground and die? That's likely, but I'm inside my mind, so how does that work- Argh! This isn't the time for questions, Miles! Whatever it is in the end, it has to be bad news!

But what can I do? I'm falling into nowhere, and I don't have anything to stop the fall. There's nothing! Nothing I can do!

"Nothing! I have nothing!" I yelled to my heart's content. My voice in anguish echoed throughout the abyss.

That's right... I had nothing in the first place.

I've been dawdling all this time, trying to run away from the fact that I'd eventually end up in the emptiness. I knew it from the start... I don't deserve a second chance in life, and yet why?!

Why did I use the opportunity?! If only I hadn't opened that door and met her, I would've died a few weeks ago... all alone in a dark room, with only my parent's death to regret and no one to leave behind.

I couldn't do it after all this time! All I can do is close my eyes and accept failure like I've been doing my whole life.

What a fitting end. Hopefully, hell isn't as terrible as it seems.


"Arghh!" I howled as I opened my eyes.

Where am I?! H-How did I get here?" And I'm... "I'm Alive?!" I asked frantically asked myself.

I'm in a pond surrounded by trees, but how?! I was falling a few seconds ago, so does that mean... is this the end?!

I eagerly stood up, and to my surprise... "My clothes aren't wet? How?!"

It's as if I were a ghost phasing through matter. What may have caused this?

I anxiously scanned the area, but I couldn't find anything.

"Well, this is fucking weird. Am I in heaven?"

The water is clear enough to be a mirror, and the trees look like it came from an enchanted forest. There are also... clouds? At this altitude?!

If my memory doesn't fail me, the only place that should have a setting similar to this is the sky islands where I met Ria.

Did I time travel?! That's absurd!

As I caress my chin in contemplation, I turned my head backward and found...

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

There was a body drifting with its back exposed in the pond. For all I know, the water shouldn't be deep enough for anything to float in, so whoever this is should be fine, right?

I hesitantly approached the floating body. Step by step, I started calling out, " Excuse me! Can you hear me?!"


No response, huh? Well, it was stupid of me to assume this dude would respond.

From this range, the body appears to be a man. Short hair, muscles, and a firm back... there's no doubt about it. For now, I should drag him to land.

"I don't know who you are, but you must know something." I muttered to myself as I tried to lift the body.

As my fingers made contact, my sense of touch didn't work. My hands passed through the body as if I were a ghost.

While looking at my trembling hands, in a shaky voice, I exclaimed, "H-Huh?"

What's the meaning of this? I can't... touch anything?! That can't be true!

In a fit of rage, I continuously tried to grab hold of the body, failing every attempt despite how relentless I was.

"Why?! Why can't I... why can't I do anything!" I cried out as I got down on my knees, staring at the water with a reflection of myself.

Even the droplets of tears are phasing through it... I can't touch anything, nor can I be touched... but I can still see, smell and hear.

What kind of sickening punishment is this? Being unable to interact with the world as it progresses without you. All you can do is observe... like a spectator.

The world has forsaken me... now I'm lonely.

"I don't want this!" I howled on top of my lungs as I started punching my reflection.

I started banging my head on the ground, but...

"Now I can't even kill myself!"

I can't even feel pain... Somebody! Save me, please!


"Hahaha... like hell somebody would-"


As I rot in agony, I heard a footstep. The rustling noise of swaying your legs submerged in the water.

"Who goes there?" I turned around in panic and yelled.

I couldn't see anything. There was a thick mist in the direction I'm looking at, but cloaked in the fog, I heard a familiar voice...





I sprung up and ran like I was being chased by my apartment's landlord, dying to see the woman who has given me purpose in life.

That's right... If it wasn't for whoever Isekaid me to this shithole, and if I hadn't met Ria, I would've died miserable... having accomplished nothing in life.

If I'm going to die anyway, let me at least finish the plan!

"Ria! Can you hear me?!" I frantically yelled.




"H-Huh? Where am I?"