Down The Hill

A couple minutes passed, and my eyes were about to give out. Just before I lost my consciousness, I noticed something familiar about the bodyless head.

"What a surprise... I didn't know it was you, Reyna."


There I sat on the top of the hill, legs crossed while gazing at the crimson moon, waiting for something that might never come. I couldn't help but count the vultures scooping in to feast on the ocean of corpses.

For these creatures, death means more food on their tables... Well, that's the circle of life for you. But I wonder, can the same be applied to humans? I mean, we're the ones who created that concept...

"Don't you think so, Reyna?" I asked as I looked to my right.

Oh... she's not here.

"Reyna?" I muttered as I looked to my left, still no clue of where she was.

I stood up to search for Reyna's whereabouts, but as I got up on my feet, something fell off my lap like a ball.

I glanced at the ground, wondering what did I drop... and in a moment of realization, I sprinted downhill as fast as I could.

"Reyna! Don't leave me!" I yelled as I barely kept my balance. My already frail body tumbling down a mountain of corpses. Hanging on the balance between life and death.

It's a miracle that I even thought of this, but... what a fall from grace. Everything was going well! I was being optimistic for once! And yet, why am I here?!

Did I do anything particular to deserve this?! God, if you were going to make me suffer anyway, why didn't you do it earlier?!

Forget it! I just want to sleep.

As I reached the foot of the hill, I retired my body. Lifeless couldn't even begin to describe my state.

"Reyna... don't run away." I muttered while I grasped for a decapitated head.

For the past few hours, I've been walking circles, passing by a bodyless head for every mile.

I only recognized it a few minutes ago... it was Reyna's.

"This is your fault, you know. You didn't have to that far." I uttered as I held her head at my chest.

"Hahaha! I've lost my mind. I just want to doze off... for eternity."


My body feels... light?! The rock-hard ground, the pebbles pressing against my body like spikes, and the puddle of blood I was lying on are gone?!

No, it's not that. I'm the one who went away! It's like I'm in bed, and it was all just a dream... Yeah, right!

"Who's there?" I yelled as I opened my eyes, trying to stand up, but something was chaining me down.

Why can't I get up? Well, of course I can't! There's something on top of me! Hopefully, it isn't anything-



Tears started flowing again. Tears of agony and joy. Tears filled with emotions I couldn't understand. And tears I...

While rubbing her eyes, embracing me as she slept, Ria woke up and asked, "Miles, is there anything wrong?"

"Just kill me... please."

This isn't real! It's just an illusion! Something bizarre is going to happen again!

"Why are you crying? Do you need hugs?" Ria casually offered as if she had asked me before.


Silence fell on the room. My arms tremble, and my eyes stared lifeless with one emotion written all over my face... I had murder in my mind.

The eerie calm was enough to make an already mentally unstable kid collapse. Only a thin thread prevents me from succumbing to the abyss.

As I struggled to cling on, a quiet melody played in my head, causing me to pull my hair with all my might. I no longer have control over my body. Its moves are dictated by a chilling tune like background music for a horror movie.


The tune suddenly halted... and the thread snapped. Before I knew it, I...

"M-Miles, w-what are you d-doing?! L-Let go of me!" Ria desperately pleaded, barely able to speak as I attempted to suffocate her to death.

With no trace of remorse whatsoever, I giggled and muttered, "You're not real..."

"L-Let go of me, Miles! W-What's happening?!" She cried out while gasping for air.

Still, without an ounce of emotion, I casually responded, "Just go to sleep... okay? It'll be over soon."

"Miles... I lo-"

"Well, I feel the same too." I coldly replied as I tightened my grip around her fragile neck. It's as if it would explode like a watermelon if I put more force into it.

While I continued to suffocate Ria, a faint but recognizable voice appeared inside my head. "Master, E-Er-"

"Nori?!" I yelled out as I let go of Ria's neck.

No, that can't be right! This is just another illusion, Miles! Don't fall for it!

"She's not real. It's just an-" Nori's voice echoed inside my head. She seemed troubled as she was abruptly interrupted.

"Shut up! You're not fooling me, traitor!" I howled as I pulled my hair with all relentlessness.

It's killing me!

I don't know what's real anymore!

I don't know if this is just an illusion.

All I know is... nothing!


Wait! It's not real. She's just an illusion... just an illusion! She's not real! Then that means this is... I'm still nowhere near my usual self, but after hearing her, I've regained a fracture of control over my body. For now, I should...

"I've figured it out."


Staying quiet, huh? I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from giving me the silent treatment, E-

"So you've figured it out? That enhancement bitch sure is annoying." A raspy voice slithered behind my back. It was low-pitched enough to be the bass for any hardcore rap track.

My knees- wait, no. Every muscle in my body was weakened to the core. Every strand of hair stood. And to be frank, I could use every metaphor describing fear right now... It's like I'm speaking to Satan himself.

"What's wrong? Too scared to speak? I suppose I overestimated you, Miles." In a sarcastic tone, the mysterious voice taunted.


"I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from giving me the silent treatment, Mi-"

"Could you shut the fuck up for a minute?" I casually asked as I interrupted him.

So if this is just an illusion, then...

While in deep thought, I closed my eyes. Seemingly unbeknownst to the sinister entity coming for my throat.

My previous encounters should all be an illusion created by that motherfucker. Going by that logic, it appears that he already made his move... so my prediction was off.

Well, something was bound to go wrong anyways, considering how well my plan went, but now all I have to do is...

"If I open my eyes, this place would be..."

The moment my eyelids lifted, I saw two silhouettes on their knees as if they were struggling in a fight. Everything was dark, and the air oddly had a nostalgic feel.

"Son of a bitch... I've underestimated you, Miles." The sinister voice from earlier exclaimed.

As my body shivers uncontrollably, instead of a cry for help, I laughed to my heart's content and cheerfully said, "I'm... back!"

This shouldn't be another illusion, right? But there's no point in thinking of that! For now, I should fulfill my part of the plan now that he showed up.

Sorry for making you wait, the two of you... I had quite the shitshow.