
My life is on the line, and it's no figure of speech... right now, there's a dagger pointed at my heart.

"How have you been doing, Miles?"

"G-Great! H-How about you... Eric?"


Everywhere I look, I see white. It's as if I was a mere painting in a canvass, trapped inside its colorless body. The world around me vanished from my sight, and all that remains is this white void, ever so empty.

"Would you care for some tea, Miles?" Eric's petrifying voice resonated in my ears.


Even though I've repeated this scenario in my head like I was looped, silence was all I could respond with it as I stood frozen, transfixed by the terror as I neared its embrace.

Fuck... I've underestimated my opponent once again. The real thing is beyond what I've imagined.

"It's a bit rude to ignore me, you know." Eric replied, seemingly mocking my panic as he attempted to casually converse.


Yet again, I answered with silence. I won't even bother trying to find out what he looks like.

"Relax, Miles... I won't kill you. I'm sure you why I won't, right?"


"Still won't budge, huh? Well, that's a bit dissapointing from you. But then again, I didn't expect that you'd find out. I'm glad I double checked."


"You're a fucking puss, Miles. I wish you were as reckless as my orginal prey."

Taunt after taunt, I finally broke the silence. The mere mention of prey was the last straw.

"W-Why?! Why do you want me alive?!" I roared in a fit of rage, still avoiding his face despite having the urge to murder.

"Oh? I thought you knew?" Eric asked with his tone teeming with curiosity,

"Y-You're my deceased friend, right?! If it's vengeance you want, I told you already! It wasn't my fault!" I raised my voice as I was on the verge of tears once again.

"Wait, what? That's how much you don't know?! But I thought you figured it out! Can you tell me what you know?" Eric exclaimed. Disbelief was written all over his voice.

"Why the fuck should I?!" I blatantly replied.

All I know is Eric wants me alive, and he's working with Hitoshi to do so. His true intentions are still unclear to me, but I assume he wants my body... which is fucking madness.

Sure, I have a lean body with a six-pack, but there's nothing out of this world with me except... Wait, out of this world? My enhancement?! Is that his objective all along?!

But that should be impossible! So there's something else he must want.

"I'll tell you what I know." I howled on the tops of my lungs as I finally decided to face him.

"Oh? An enticing compromise, Miles. I accept your offer."

His appearance... Nori's description fits like a glove. A black mist with glowing red orbs scattered throughout his gaseous body. I guess I let my expectations ahead of me.


A giggle resonated throughout the white abyss. To be frank, I felt no fear nor anger, neither dismal nor distress, and neither elated nor thrilled. But I felt a bizarre sensation... I felt defeated. Like the opponent has already been proclaimed victor.

"Well then, I suppose I'll start." He replied in a cold, emotionless voice.

The moment those words flew from his lips, an orb in the darkest shade of black possible appeared right where Eric was standing.

It started sucking the mist-like body Eric possessed, all the while making a noise similar to that of a jet turbine.

"What the hell is happening?!" I panicked as I hurried away from the orb. I don't know what's transpiring, but whatever it is, it must be lethal.

As I ran away with all my might, I couldn't help but look back out of curiosity.

In the few seconds I glanced away, a white spiral seemed to have formed around the orb. Also, perhaps it's just my mind playing tricks with me, but the ball of black appears to be burgeoning as it devours more of the mist... like a black hole.

Then I noticed the orb wasn't growing bigger. It's turning into.. a person?! "What the hell?!" In a moment of realization, I exclaimed in awe.

I can barely picture the silhouette from this range, and-... wait, why is it glowing now?!

"Oh shit!"


"Rejoice, you lowly life form! For you have seen me in this state!" A woman's voice ringed my ears.

I could barely catch what she said with all the high frequencies my hearing was picking up.

"Wake up, blessed mortal! We have much to discuss!" The mysterious woman frantically said.

Even though my head hurts, I opened my eyes with all my strength and saw...

"W-Who the fuck are you?!" I crawled away as I flustered.

Straight, silky hair that reaches down to her knees, coal-colored eyes with a sprinkle of white like stars, and a glass wine body curving like an hourglass. Don't tell me... this woman is-

The same giggle a few minutes ago resonated again... but this time, the frigid cloak of fear enveloped my being.

"It's exactly as you think... I only used this 'Eric' persona to aid in weakening you, Miles. Vengeance, you say? Only mortals seek such folly! I am a child of his holy grace! Why should I, someone of divine prestige, stoop as low as you filthy animals?!"

Spewing such bullshit, she sure is cocky... it's not like she's some daughter of a god, right? This has to be a bluff!

"Cut the bull-"

"My! Your happiness is contagious! Don't you feel honored to be of service to his holy grace?!" With eyes gleaming from excitement, she eagerly interrupted.

Well, this was quite the turnaround. From a menacing psychopathic mastermind whose presence is enough to strike fear into the heart to a crazed, black-haired simping bitch.

The duality is staggering...

"Uhhh... elaborate, please?" I asked as I slowly got up.

"Silence! Tremble before your knees, mortal! For Oshigurama desires your enhancement! Despite being a lowly life form, you possess the ability to walk in other worlds!"

"W-Well, it's not like I had a choice-... wait a minute. How did you?"