
"Fine then... I surrender." Biting my lips as I bite my pride, I casually remarked.

"You'll surely change your mind aft-... wait! What did you just say?"


Looking back at my experiences with this woman, I won't be surprised if she'd toy with my decapitated head with her feet, so continuing my hostility isn't an option. I shall fall head over heels for my head to remain over me.

"This isn't another one of your tricks, is it Miles? Cause if it is, don't even try it." Blood lust oozing from her eyes and an impending frown to match, her voice made my heart pound.

"W-With the way you look right now, don't you think it's the best choice to raise the white flag?" Remaining calm to the best of my abilities, I barely mustered a response.

That shouldn't be enough to persuade her, so I have to sweeten the pot.

"And weren't you about to show me how you've made me your puppet? If my opponent managed to do that, I'd be better off not fighting in the first place."


It's quiet. Did I say something wrong? Her frown feels different this time... it's no longer frightening.

"How convincing... What a way to relinquish all my time and effort put in this display. It seems that no matter how beautiful a flower appears, it still withers away. You're all the same in the end." She responded in a bitter tone.

Somehow, that caused a sore in my chest... but that's just what I need.

There are certain limitations for mind entities, a line that, if crossed, would prove fatal for them. For all I know, the same prohibitions don't apply to every entity. Nori can move around my mind freely, but Fukitsu needs my permission, is an example.

"Don't be so disappointed. You achieved what you wanted, or were you hoping for more of a fight?" I casually retorted.

"Hmph! For a mere mortal, you were relatively amusing to toy with." With her arms crossed, she replied.

This bitch and our conversation have been a shit load of information, but two pieces of info stand out.

The first one isn't really info, but more of "lack of knowledge." I ain't know shit about Oshigurama or whatever you call it, and this "divine grace" she speaks of. All I'm aware of is she wants me alive for my ability.

Next and last, her requirements for a host. Alive, has mind enhancement, and intimate interaction with their current prey... It was an impeccable setup.

It may not sound as vital to others' ears, but if her requirement for a host is alive, then doing *that* is an option.

"It was thrilling while it lasted, but now... you will become his property." She muttered as she raised her right hand, readying to snap her fingers.

As her hand remains high, a brusque calm befell on the crumbling room. For a terse moment, everything felt serene, but as my eyelids sealed themselves momentarily, as soon as her fingers crackle, everything felt... gone.


A spiral with more colors than the color wheel appeared on her fingers. It's sucking everything in like a black hole, but to my eyes, this room where I met Ria is being crumbled like a piece of paper, exposing the illusion it truly is.

That's right... I've been living under an illusion all this time. Turning a blind eye to the truth, I've been trying to be God.

It has only occurred to me as I witness this spectacle... that I've been trying to save everyone by myself, but it's too late to ask for help now. That's why I have to suffer this alone.

It's only a hunch, but I may have found the loophole I needed.

"Contractus ad deos!" Her voice resonated as my eardrums were on the brink of rupturing.

I can't do it justice with my articulation, but it's like I'm hearing every pint of sound ever made at once.

"Arghh!" Unable to withstand the shrieking pain, I wailed a song of agony. All I can do right now is... hope for the best.


"I'd like you to sign here." As the universal noise comes to a halt, the black-haired casually requested.

"H-Huh? W-Where am I?" Slowly lowering my arms as they covered my face, I stuttered.

A table for two, made of stone ingrained with, God knows what the hell these symbols mean. I was standing a few seconds ago, and now I'm seated?

Whatever that spiral was, it seems to have relocated us to an uncharted place in my mind. I've grown familiar with dimly lit, gloomy settings, but we appear to be in an interrogation room?

If that's the case... how convenient.

"There's no time for sightseeing, child. We must fulfill the contract quickly." Hastily, she muttered.

Oh, what do we have here? She seems hurried. I thought her illusions could shift the flow of time unless... this isn't.

It doesn't change the plan in head, but it could increase my chances of survival. For now, I should stall this conversation.

"Before I sign, there are a couple of things I want to clarify." In a cold voice, I grabbed the pen on the table and hissed.

"I figured it wouldn't be this easy."

The look in her eyes changed. A dastard glare, one that I've seen in the countless incapable individuals in the previous world.

With her facial expressions right now, I can't help but think of it... was it all a bluff?

I mean, it isn't a stretch, right? For the woman who controls illusions to be her own creation, just another delusion?

No! That's hopeful thinking, Miles! You're a pessimist, remember!

"I presume you have a plan prepared? You've gone this far playing with me, so it's difficult to believe it ends there." I barked in a cocky tone.

How the turn tables... just a few moments ago, I was the one cornered.

"Three questions. Don't push it." Once again, arms crossed and with eyes steering daggers, she barked back.

"Well then, shall we begin the interview?"