
In the back of a white van an African-American light skinned boy with long curly black hair could be seen talking to himself. Except if you listened closely he wasn't just talking. He was praying.

So, I'm sitting here with my peers, majority of us hogtied while the others are in paper bags with little openings. I can't die, well I can but I don't want to. I didn't even get to do anything interesting. I never kissed a girl or joined a band. Hell I've never even been to the dentist by myself and I won't get to do those things if I don't find a way out of here

"Psst, any of you guys awake. or not dead." I whispered in order to not get the attention of the guys driving the van. "Hello, anyone there?" No answer. Looks like I'm on my own. My eyes started to adapt to the dark and I could see the silhouettes of the unconscious kids. I need to get out of here and in order to do that I need something sharp to cut myself loose. The van came to a halt before I even had a chance to start looking for something. No, no this cant be the end. I won't let it be the end. Something cold and metal dropped on my lap and before I could see what it was an image was formed in my mind

A man with long luscious blond hair and ocean blue eyes filled with mystery stood still in a desert like place, while being stark naked. Next to him stood a woman with long black hair and hazelnut brown eyes also without any clothes. They were holding hands. I couldn't even focus on any parts of their body except for their eyes. I couldn't move and I could barely think. I tried to look around but my eyes were glued to theirs, how was I looking at them both at the same time? Suddenly the man reached out and spoke,

"My child, welcome to the family of the Acolytes, I am Adam and this is my betrothed Eve, you will be granted power in order to protect yourself, what you do with this power its entirely up to you. Let no one tell you the wiser. You are now awoken. Be safe my child and until we meet again, Godspeed"

I was back, in the van, with the others. What in the hell did I just see? It couldn't actually be The Adam and Eve. Right?..

There was no time to think, the men were coming to the back and I need to exit, fast. Then I remembered the object that fell on my lap and looked down and there it was. A knife, and not just any knife, a butterfly knife also known as a balisong that originated in the Philippines.. How I knew that was beyond me but I didn't have time to think about that now, what I need to do is get ready to attack. So I quickly cut myself free and waited. The second someone would open that door I would stab them, or I would go down trying. The door creaked open and the person behind the door was revealed to be a 6'3 man who's muscles were the size of my head. Doesn't matter, I lunged forward with the knife and since I was standing on the inside of the van I was as tall as him so I went for the face but that's not where the knife landed. The knife went directly in his shoulder. I could feel the blade stuck between two objects, probably bones. The man let out a yell that seemed more like a roar and pushed me away. I feel off the van and onto the concreate floor. That's when I bolted, or at least tried , in order to bolt you have to be fast, I was mildly under average. I was never one to be the athletics type. I told myself I needed to have a weapon just in case, but when I looked at the shoulder of the man there was no knife there. It just disappeared.

I ran as fast as my cheese and onion chips filled legs could carry. Turns out when you're in a life threatening situation you tend to run faster than you usually do. Who knew? Once I felt like I was far away from the van I took a rest in order to catch my breath and formulate a plan.