The GodKing!

Deep Within The Centre of The Devil Realm.

"WHY?! WE HAD SIGNED A PEACE TREATY GODKING, THEN WHYYYY!?" Yelled a humanoid creature with grief and pain seeing the never-ending sea of corpses.

Millions of corpses if one wanted to count.

The humanoid creature was the same as humans but the difference between them was that they were 3-4 meters tall with red skin and two black horns that protruded from their foreheads and were curled upwards. The whites of the eyes of humans were black of the humanoid creature with red pupils.

They were known as 'The Devil Race' that resided in one of the Three Realms, The Devil Realm.

A single realm consisted of thousands of planets and every single planet was 10x bigger than earth and had a core that is connected to the core of the planet at the center of the realm, also known as the 'Central Planet'.

The Central Planet housed the strongest of every species and endless barriers to protect it. Otherwise, the end of the central planet signified the end of the whole realm.

Currently, on the central planet of the Devil Realm, endless corpses of the devils could be seen, every single corpse had lost its head.

Only a few devils were left, The strongest of their race but even then some of them had dull and hopeless gazes as if nothing could prevent their doom.

"Why?" A deep and heavy voice resounded throughout the Devil Realm.

"There is no why. Your insignificant lives have use to me, You devil's should be glad." The voice resounded again.

"You've passed the Half-God Realm!?"

The devil said horrified by his conclusion. The devils near him paled hearing what he said.


There was no reply this time.

The red sky of the Devil Realm had numerous cracks on it as if just a tap would be enough to destroy the entire sky.

The devils dropped to their knees as an unknown force beheaded them and even with their endless strength they couldn't get a second to retaliate.

The heads disappeared and a person appeared hovering just above the planet.

He had waist-length long silky black hair.

A perfect body with a perfect face standing at 190 cm's tall wearing a black robe with golden linings. A vertical 'Heaven' could be seen written on the backside of the robe with gold.

Red eyes containing the endless abyss that would cause any woman to get wet with a single glance. He had a Golden halo hovering just above his head.

His name was Yu Shen also known as the 'GodKing'.

Ruler Of The Strongest Realm, The Heavenly Realm, That was who Yu Shen was.


[End]~ Not long right? I said I wouldn't start this before finishing my other fic but i wasn't in the mood to write a chapter today so thought of writing this one. The chapters would be between 500-1000 so this is kind of a binge read fic so just let it rot in your library if ye want.

About the story then, Why is he slaughtering the devils? Whats his goal? How does he plan to achieve this goal and some other things would be explained clearly dw.

These would be explained in the next few chaps, I wont leave u guys confused xD.