
Several days passed, or at least what felt like days to them. In reality it had only been one hour and forty-eight minutes.

While the problems the trio had experienced at first when they got teleported there had now all disappeared, they were still at their absolute lowest.

At first, time there seemed infinite, every second felt eternal, but the more time it passed, the faster time seemed to pass. And the idea that time was now something so devoid of meaning terrified them.

Passing and passing, one minute, and then two, and then eight, and then fourteen, twenty one, twenty nine, thirty-seven, forty-five, and before they knew it another hour had gone by.

So how was our group of angsty teens dealing with these circumstances?

Dan was lying down on the floor, like a lifeless corpse.

Mike, who was usually the optimist in the group, the one to always try to see the bright side, even he was depressed. He was staring into the void outside of the rectangle, not doing anything, just staring.

Emma was the one having it the worse, she was going batshit crazy. She was constantly closing her eyes, keeping them closed for some minutes, mumbling some nonsense to herself, reopening them, getting upset that the world around closing there was still the same and then closing her eyes again, making the cycle repeat itself, over and over and over … for almost two hours! It got to the point that after a while she passed out.

Another hour passed.

Dan was still lying on the ground, Mike was still looking outside of the void trying to keep his eyes open as much as possible, and Emma was still having panic attacks.

Another thirty minutes passed.

Everything was the same as before, except now Emma had joined Dan and they were now both lying on the ground completely lifeless.

Mike was the first to break mi out of his trance. He closed his eyes for a bit, he felt quite tired, and he slowly backed away from the wall and sat near Emma and Dan.

He didn't immediately say something, he looked at them for some seconds.

"Are you guys dead?"


"Yes Mike, I am dead." Dan said

"Is the floor comfy Danny?"

"Comfy enough."


"You know I saw something outside."

Dan didn't say anything

"I almost didn't notice it because of how difficult it is to see it."

No response

"This is the part where you ask me what I've noticed, Dan."

"Mike, I don't give a shit."

"Do you? It's pretty interesting, you know?"

No response

"How can you be so sure that you don't care about what I discovered, when I haven't even told you what I've noticed, yet?"

"Because I don't care about anything at this point. Nothing matters anymore, so just leave me here to wait for hunger to kill me."

"What if I told you that I saw Earth?"



Emma and Dan said it in unison




"It's right there." He pointed at the side of the void he had been looking at for the past hour. "It's pretty hard to see, but there is a minuscule dot, completely blue, except for teeny tiny bit of green."

The other two both started looking where Mike had pointed. They stayed there, looking for Earth in the void of space for some minutes.

"Dan I thought you didn't care."

"Shut up." He said with a joyous smile on his face

"Do you see it?"

"No!!!" He said while still smiling

Emma was also smiling

"Thank you Mike, you have no idea how much I needed this." Emma said while looking at the void


"You have no idea how much I needed something to do."

They kept staring at the void, just like how Mike was earlier. In awe at the idea that they could see their dear blue planet. Eventually though they must have seen something, because they started screaming


"ME TOO!!"

In that moment that rectangle in space was filled with joy and laughter. Even after many minutes they were still smiling while looking at the only thing in that situation that reminded them of home. Now Mike was the one lying on the ground, lifelessly. Twenty minutes passed like a second… to Dan and Emma that is, Mike felt like he was going to die of boredom.

"G-guys could you stop looking there and come here a sec?" Mike said while getting up

"Why?" Dan said

"Something is happening."

Something was indeed happening. The floating orb in the room, (remember the floating orb that I mentioned in the last chapter? the only thing generating light in the room? Guess what? It has plot relevance) started moving around the room in circles.

"What is happening?" Emma said

"The floating sphere lighting the room is now moving in circles." The little mouse said

"Wow Dan you are so smart and funny." She said sarcastically "Thank you for answering my question in the stupidest way possible. For a second there I thought you were Mike ."

"Gotta say, kinda preferred it when you guys were depressed." Mike said

The sphere became incredibly bright, to the point that it was now dazzling. The sphere also became very fast, which coupled with how bright it was made it seem like an halo. Faster and brighter, and faster and brighter, until it created an explosion of light and disappeared.

The trio was now able to reopen their eyes

"What was that?" Emma said again

"I've got no clue." Mike said

"Guys I'm feeling something weird." Dan said

"What is it?"

"I don't know, it's a weird feeling, I don't really know how to describe it… it's like a dejavu, I think. The sensation that something that has already happened before is going to happen ag-AAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

They got teleported another time.