Benam has a house which is wonderful and a beautiful house.One day, Benam was sleeping on his bed very deeply and was snoring so loudly as all his windows cracked and his house was shivering.His mother got angry and said, "BENAM YOU ARE SNORING SO BADLY I THINK I HAVE TO TEACH YOU HOW TO SNORE BUT NOW YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL SO YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP NOW".Benam replied , "Firstly let me sleep....".His mother slapped him so he woke up and said, "I don't like to go to school but now I have to get ready for going school".Then he was ready and started going to school and atlast he reached his school. Then he saw Takesake and said, "Hey Takesake there been so long time I saw you and I think there is enough time for us before the school starts"😁.
Then Benam started talking with Takesake but Takesake wants to go, then the bell rang. Takesake said, "Now I am late because of you".Then Benam said that this is Takesake's mistake because he didn't tell what the time is. Then they both started fighting. Then Takesake said,"I have an idea that we should get into the classroom by hidding under the benches".Benam said, "Yes I was also thinking that😎".Then they both started going towards there benches by hiding.Then their teacher said, "Hello everyone and welcome back to our new class, in this class I am your class teacher and my name is Bakesekevoir".Then he saw Benam and Takesake hiding under benches,he said, "Hey, I saw both of you now tell me who are you and why are you coming like this".Takesake said, "Sir my name is Take sake and we are finding our pencils that were dropped from our benches"."Hey why are you not replying me, who are you ",teacher said. "Sir I have said my name",Takesake said. Teacher said, "not you, I am saying to the one who is behind you".Takesake said, "Sir he is Benam and he has no name that's why he is not saying anything ".Then Benam became wild and started throwing the benches and the tables out of the window, then the teacher punished them to stand outside the class for the whole day except the last period and the last period was Games.
Benam said, "My favorite period is games which is the last period so don't worry Takesake. Takesake replied, "This is because of you I got punished but why I got punished, what I have done"?Benam said, "You are punished because you are late comer😠😠".
Then the bell rang,finally the last period came.Benam wanted to play cricket but Takesake wanted to play football and they began to fight for that. Then Takesake said, "We should do voting to decide what we are going to play",Benam agreed.Then after the voting was completed then the conclusion was that Cricket have 10 votes more than football so they had to play cricket. Then they were playing cricket, the match was amazing then the final results were, Take sake made 121.100 runs and Benam made 121.1 runs.Then Takesake said, "Now I am the winner",then Benam laughed and said, I am the winner because you have made 121.100 runs and I have made 121.1 runs and our teacher says that after the decimal zero has no value so according to this I have won the match".Then Takesake got angry and start fighting with Benam.After the fighting ends they both were injured so they went towards dispensary.
In Dispensary Benam was arguing with Takesake that this was his mistake, then Take sake took the bandage and sticked it on Benam's mouth. Then the doctor came and was surprised to know that they got much injured by only playing the cricket match. Then the doctor said them to rest in the dispensary till 5'O clock. Then Benam and Takesake became sad because that day they were not able to watch their favorite shows that starts at 4'O clock and ends at 5'O clock.
Then After they reached their homes Benam ate his dinner and began to sleep. Takesake was not sleeping because he was sad that he was not able to watch his show because of Benam then he started thinking of making a plan to revenge with Benam😈.