Chapter 5: Cerberus Returns

Jin's POV

As I ran to see where the scream is coming from, I encountered Captain Emray.

"Captai-" I tried to greet him but he just ran to where the scream is.

"Sorry Jin, my team's in trouble" He said while running. The Spectres in trouble? Cerberus? There's no way he's here.

I followed Captain Emray, and my hunch was right. Cerberus, he's here.

"Now, who will I bring?" Cerberus said while holding Heart on his left and Jane on his right "You seem strong but irritable, while you're neither"

"Let me go! You a$$hole!" Heart exclaimed.

"Let Heart go!" Jane cried.

"Hmmm, maybe I choose another one?" Cerberus said.

"Let them go!" Captain Emray shouted.

"Ooooh, Captain's here" Cerberus said.

"What do you want this time?" Emray asked.

"Well, that James is not enough for our experiment so... We need another one" Cerberus explained. He had James and he's using him for their filthy experiments.

"Bring me instead, Cerberus" Emray said.

"No, bring me!" Heart added.

"Well, I have no interest with the captain. Fine, I'll bring you little girl" Cerberus said.

"Don't call me a little girl, old man!" Heart replied. Cerberus put Jane down and disappeared with Heart.

"Heart! No... No... Noooo" Jane sobbed and Emray just stayed in shock.

"Captain, does the dungeon still open?" I asked.

"Yes, because Cerberus is the boss" He replied.

"Then we have to close that dungeon" I said.

"What?! Are you sane? You can't even slay... Wait? Level 10? Last time you're just level 10, but how?" Captain asked.

"Well, Eva, my sister and I just closed a dungeon yesterday and... Well, I kind of defeated the boss" I explained.

"But that can't be... Even if you close a dungeon, you can't level up that fast" He said.

"Well, my desire to help them also helped me... I conquered my fear of monsters and leveled up" I said. Also, it's thanks to you Ive. Thanks to you, I can now protect my friends and family.

[It's my pleasure Jin]

"Well, are you really serious? You're going to help us get Heart and James back?" He asked.

"Yes, but I need to get Eva and Ashley's permission first. I don't want them to worry" I said.

"That's alright. Well, here" He said and gave me a card.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Just go there when you're ready. The Spectres' HQ" He replied. Their headquarters?

"Ok. Well, I'll be off. See you soon Captain" I said and left.

I walked through the corridors of the hospital, exited and went back home.

[Jin, don't go to Cerberus yet]

What do you mean?

[Cerberus is multiple times stronger than you]

That's a fact... But, I can't just sit down and wait forever.

[Finish some quest and level up so you can defeat him]

[You should also bring Eva]

Eva? I can't... I will never put her in danger again.

[Cerberus took their navigator, and Eva is the most fitting substitute]


[You also made a promise]

I arrived at my house.

"I'm home" I said.

"Oh, you're here. What happened, it's been an hour?" Eva asked. Yes, Eva's living with us for almost half a year now. When there's no work, she accompanies Ashley and we're like brother and sister too.

"I encountered Cerberus" I said in a low voice.

"What?! Are you, ok? Did he hurt you?" Eva asked.

"No, I'm fine but, he took Heart" I replied.

"Oh, that B*tch. Serves her right" Eva said.

"I said to Captain that I will help them get them back. Maybe, I'll join Spectre too if they will let me" said.

"What? You will join spectre?" She asked.

"Yes, and..." I just can't put her in danger anymore. No, I won't ask her to help me.

[But Jin-]

Ive, no. Spectre can take care of finding a navigator. I just can't risk Eva.

"And what?" Eva asked.

"We will close that dungeon" I replied.

"What? You're going to defeat Cerberus? Jin, even if you become level 20 or higher in a week. You can't defeat Cerberus" Eva said.

"Who's Cerberus?" Ashley butted in.

"Ashley, go back to your room" I said.

"Jin, I'm not a kid anymore. If this will concern me, I have the right to know" Ashley replied.

"Cerberus is Hades' henchman. A monster that defeated Spectre once, and took one of their member" Eva explained.

"Well brother, If you're going then I'll go too" Ashley said. What the hell? I can't even bring Eva, nor can you.

[Save Ashley and bring Eva]

Stop it, Ive. I won't.

"No" I answered.

"I will" Ashley said.

"No" I replied.

"You can't stop me" Ashley said.

"I said no!" I shouted and it seems to shock Ashley "Ashley listen, Cerberus is dangerous"

"Ashley, just listen to your brother for once" Eva added.

"Fine, but promise me that you'll come back" Ashley said.

"Of course" I replied with a smile.

"I'll go with you" Eva whispered.

"Not you too Eva" I replied.

"Jin, even if it costs me my life, I'll follow you. I've been with you for far too long. Please, let me come with you. Even if you can be level 800 tomorrow and I'm still on level 10, I'll still follow you. Jin, you're my everything" Eva said.

"But, Eva..." I was about to say something but she kissed me. She kissed me. I feel my heart racing. This feeling, it's as if I'm flying. What is this?

"You promised, wherever you go, I'll come with you" She said.


"Be careful you two" Ashley said with a wide smile.

[Jin I have some quest for you]

That can wait. For now, we'll be going to Spectre HQ.

"Eva, let's go to Spectre" I said.

"Ok!" Eva replied and both of us left leaving Ashley.

We arrived at Spectre a couple of minutes later. Their HQ is just like an office hall. There's not much but it's suitable.

"Welcome Jin" Captain greeted us "So have you decided?"

"Well, before we go to Cerberus. I decided to level up first" I said.

"Of course! Some of my teammates are already raiding dungeons to level up while others stayed" Captain explained.

"Uhm, we would like to join Spectre too. If that's alright" I said.

"Well, of course. It's splendid! Well, what's your role by the way?" Captain asked. Role? I don't know yet. Ive, what's my role?

[Jin, you can be anything]

[But it can cause confusion, so for assurance, pick a role]

Hmmmm, pick? Well, Eva will sub Heart so I guess I should sub James. James is a brawler... Maybe, I should become a brawler too.

[Role Equipped]

"I'm a brawler" I replied.

"I'm a navigator. I would also like to join" Eva added.

"Well, you sure fit. Heart and James are navigator and brawler" Emray said "You're in"

[Jin has joined Spectre]

[Eva has joined Spectre]

"So what now?" Eva asked.

"Well, I'm about to go to raids to level up" I said.

"Well, the only teammates left are Mark and Jane so I will inform them to accompany you" Captain said.

"Thanks" I answered "What about you Captain? Aren't you going to raid dungeons?"

"I have some business to attend to, and I will raid as soon as I'm finished" He replied "Well, I must leave for now. I'll go back to my office"

"Jin let's rest for now. We can start tomorrow" Eva said.

"That would be best, let's go" I answered and both of us left.

Now, Ive. About those quests.

[Ah, right]



Quest Level: 8

Slay a Moon Fish (0/1)

Slay 10 Harpies (0/10)

Slay 10 Goblins (0/10)

Slay Triton (0/1)

Slay Helen Hurricane (0/1)

Slay Goblin Cheif (0/1)

Quest Reward:

20 Stat Points

A Rare Equipment

50000 Gold]

I'll accept it.

[Quest Accepted]

And by the way, where's the item that I acquired from the quest recently?

[Ah, Leo]

[Check your inventory]

My inventory? How can I?

[Just say inventory]

"Inventory" I said



Now what do I do?

[Say, Leo appear]

"Leo, appear" I said and a golden sword appeared in my hands. It was neatly made and it shines.

[Leo is a sacred cosmic sword]

[It is named after the Lion Star, Leo]

[It boosts its power when it feels it's wielder is worthy of its power]

So it's a good sword huh. When I'm using a sword, I can't really kick... So, is there a way to change my Heavy Kick spell?

[Of course, equipments have certain spells tied to them]

[Andromeda has splitter, and you've already equipped it]

[Leo has Lions Pride, you can equip it and remove Heavy Kick]

Then remove heavy kick and equip Lions Pride.

[Take note that Lions Pride can only be activated when the sword is inside a monster's body or you have pierced the monster]

Got it.

[Lions Pride acquired]

Can I see my status?

[Of course, you can]

[Name: Jin

Type: Fighter

Role: Brawler

Level: 10

Party: Spectre

Strength: 20

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 10

Vitality: 5

Sense: 5





Splitter level 2

Lions Pride level 2

Accelerate level 2

High Jump level 1

Magic Blast level 2]

Good. We'll start early tomorrow.

Cerberus, wait for me.