Chapter 19: Arthurians

Jin's POV

"Say Penelope, who's the current king?" Ive asked as we ready ourselves to walk through a portal leading to i don't know where.

"King Arthur XII, proud and furious. He was the one who unite the 8 tribes under a single banner and he was the one who defeated the [Red Basilisk] five years ago. Lady 60th's chosen. Is that all?" Penelope explained.

"Yes yes, thank you Penelope" Ive replied.

"After you" Penelope said and we went through the portal. We arrived in the, what seems a little palace. Penelope escorted us to the Castle's Door. Then, we entered.

"Penelope, there you are. I've been looking all over for you. Fetch me a bunch of [Screamvine] and a bundle of [Fire Grapes]" A serious and grumpy-looking old woman said.

"Right away, Lady Merlin" She said and left.

"And who might you be?" "Merlin" asked.

"Lady 167th, we've come to aid you against the Underworld Army" Ive replied.

"And I supposed to believed that? Lady 167th, am I right? What help can you give with only hexadoodles of kids?" Merlin asked.

"A swordsman that possesses two cosmic swords; Andromeda and Leo. A quadro-caster that knows a hundred of spells in such youth. Two experts assassin that can kill your best royal guards in a single slash of their blade. A mage that have a vast arsenal of buff and de-buffs and can also pin enemies down. Lastly, a tank with a million hp. Say Lady Merlin, how can we help?" Ive said and that caused Lady Merlin to give a grr.

"Why don't we meet your sister first Ive" I said.

"Good idea young man" Merlin huffed and lead us to a grand corridor "Beyond this door is the throne room. Please don't make any unnecessary actions or inadequate behaviour"

"We know Lady Merlin, we know" Ive answered and entered. We followed her.

"Arthur, this is Lady 167th and her companions. Lady 60th have requested their aid" Marlin said.

"Welcome milady" Arthur said and went back to what he's doing; reading.

"King Arthur, may I know where's my sister?" Ive asked.

"She'll be back soon" He replied.

"Ive, we can't just wait here. We need a plan to counter the underworld army" I whispered.

"Shhh, let me handle this" Ive replied.

"Ahem, uh King Arthur, may I know your plan? What is your counter measure to fend the underworld" Ive asked.

"My champions can handle that matter. They pose no threat to the kingdom" Arthur said.

"What about the rest of the island?" Jane asked.

"How did you know about the rest of the island?" King Arthur seems to change his mood.

"I can feel different life forms outside this castle's walls. They are afraid, scared and angry... Very angry" Jane said and it looks like she's in terror.

"Jane what's wrong?" Mark approached her and hugged her.

"They're in despair. They're dying" Jane sobbed.

"How can it be? How come a mortal unlock such power?" Ive gasped.

"Explain it to us, Ive" I said.

"Jane don't cry" Eva also hugged her.

"Water flows in every living creature. That's Aquarius' true power, when there is water, she can do almost everything. One of that is to feel life auras and emotions." Ive explained.

"Let's help them... Please" Jane sobbed.

"Help them!? How defiant... They are monsters! They deserve no help!" King Arthur exclaimed.

"You are one hell of a bullcrap" Kif came out and Senna followed.

"You're the monster. Not them" Senna added.

"Monsters! Get them away from here! Merlin!" King Arthur shouted.

"Oh try if you can" Mark said and took out his shield. Matt, Sheila and Eva already in formation. What choice do I have, I took out my sword.

"Get away from here quick"

A voice said.

"Did you hear that?" Mark asked.

"Loud and clear" Matt said.

"Who's that?" Mark asked.

"It's Merlin. Run and save us. I beg you"

"Jin let's go" Ive said.

[Ive used Time Pause]

I felt a hand touched me and then...

"Time Pause will only lasts for 2 minutes. Hurry and flee. I'll find my sister" Ive said and left.

"Let's go" I said and all of us flee.

We've successfully left the castle and entered the woods.

"And now what are we gonna do?" Matt asked.

"We need to help the natives... Please they're dying" Jane said.

"Jin. The choice is yours to make" Eva said.

"We're in a hurry, the Underworld Army will be here soon" I said "We need to split up and ask them if they can help us. If they won't let them be, but I hope there will be someone who would agree"

"So... What's the split up?" Sheila asked.

"Mark, Matt and I will go to the left. You girls go to the right" I said.

"Then we'll be on our way, take care of yourselves" Eva said.

"You too." i replied and hugged her, then they left. "Now let's go"

We ran towards the left side of the island.  At first we didn't came across anything but as time went on, we saw some signs that creatures used to passed this place.

"What can they be? These foot prints are enormous." Mark said.

"They look more like hoof prints to me. It's even shaped like one. There were also drag marks, that means they have a tail" Matt said.

"Cow people? You mean like Taurus?" Mark asked.

"Taurus is actually a cow person? Leo is just a guy though. What if he's actually a lion person, that would be hilarious" I joked.

"Lucky you have some cosmic weapons" Matt said.

"Oh don't be jealous, Ive said the weapons chose the owner not the other way around. This are just coincidences." I explained.

"I wish I could also have one. I grew tired of this old dagger" Matt said.

"Hate to break it to you but isn't that smoke?" Mark asked.

We looked into a distant and a pillar of smoke came out. Natives! We quickly ran towards it.


Level: 41

Title: Novice Blacksmith +1 other

Strength: 70×2

Agility: 60×2

Intelligence: 55×2

Vitality: 35×2

Sense: 35×2




Aqua Blade

Helen's Wings

Helen's Heart

Helen's Feathers

Earrings of Merlin

Storm Ring

Health Potion × 2

Antidote × 2

Communication Earring


Heaven Splitter level 8

Lions Pride level 8

Lions Breath level 8

Lions Roar level 8

Accelerate level 7

High Jump level 7

Magic Blast level 6

Magic Beam level 6

Minion Contract Max Level

Room Create Max Level

Object Create Max Level


25 goblins level:4

Kif level: 30

Senna level: 35

Kristana level: 40

Kris level: 50

Ava level: 40