Chapter 40: Revenge

Third Person's POV

"It's you!" Flarius yelled "You're the woman who tricked our king!" the ironscales seemed shocked and angry. Their mouths spewed curses and filthy words as they glared at the woman sitting on the throne.

"So you're the one responsible for all of this" Citrus added as he poured a potion at the dragon's hide.

Ive returned to us, and we regrouped. We've taken Jane and Matt into a safe area protected by the nymphs.

Now it's us, versus the three of them. We still don't know where they've brought Eva and Sheila.

Gor'zel and Arthur stood in front of the throne, guarding the woman behind them.

"There are hundreds of us and only three of you. Stop this bulls**t Arthur" Tristan said.

"Four" Morgana appeared at the back of the chamber while dragging Eva and Sheila.

"Eva! Sheila!" Mark shouted and tried to go after them, but Jin stopped him. "No."

"Nice timing. Now, I don't need to find you to take your head off of your shoulders." Jin said while glaring at Morgana. She laughed and kicked the unconscious Sheila.

"Jin, what's our next move?" Citrus said.

"Jin. Jin! JIN!" Mark kept calling out to him, but Jin's focus was on Eva and Sheila as they were being dragged down by Morgana.


Ive said, using the system to convey her thought. Jin snapped out of it and turned toward his comrades. Hundreds of creatures awaiting for his order, in different shapes and sizes. It was a spectacular sight, seeing so many different creatures fighting for one cause.

"I cannot guarantee that all of us can survive after this. We have already lost so much." Jin started "But, I promise you that we will achieve victory."

"To die or to win." Ive added. The inhabitants roared and readied their weapons.

"For our homeland!" Shouted Tufan, and ran towards the enemies. All the inhabitants followed.

"Come on!" Jin said and also engaged.

Jin, Mark and Tristan engaged Arthur into a fight. Morgana was fighting all the inhabitants of the island by herself. Meanwhile Gor'zel was toe to toe with Ive.

Arthur clashed swords with Jin. Arthur being the superior duelist, begins overpowering Jin. Mark quickly used his Earthly Tremble, and shook the ground. Arthur tried his best to keep his balance. Tristan then fired his arrows at Arthur. He noticed this and quickly parried Jin's swords and blocked Tristan's arrows.

Jin then activated Lion's Breath, and slashed Arthur. Arthur dodged the attack, but it managed to graze his arm. He quickly ripped his sleeves to get rid of the fire from Jin's attack.

Mark then grappled Arthur, with his Diamond Rush activated to hold Arthur in place.

"Tristan!" Mark shouted, then Tristan shot Arthur. Tristan aimed for Arthur's heart, but only managed to pierce his arm. Arthur's arm bled as he tried to escape from Mark's clutches.

On the other hand, Ive was using her blades to block Gor'zel's kicks.

"I never fought a celestine before." Gor'zel said while overwhelming Ive with a series of kicks.

"And you will never live to tell the tale." Ive replied. Her blades then glowed as vast energy surged from it. Her eyes glowed, same with the blades. She then used her Blink and appeared at the back of Gor'zel.

"What did I tell you? You won't have a chance to tell the tale" Ive smiked and cut off Gor'zel's head.

Back to Arthur, Jin, Mark and Tristan. Arthur was still trying to resist Mark, as Jin and Tristan questioned him.

"What changed you Arthur?" Tristan asked "You were so cheerful and optimistic back then. You've welcomed anyone who seek refuge with open arms, human and monster alike. You've changed, you've turned your back against humanity, to all of us."

"I was never on your side at the first place." Arthur said as he laughed "I was an outcast. Nobody liked me when I was still a nobody. And now, that I'm a king, you expect me to forget and forgive all those atrocities, maltreatment and abuse these people have done to me?" Arthur exclaimed.

"There were people who believed in you Arthur. Me, Lancelot, Guinevere, Lady Merlin and... and Lady Vivien" Tristan said.

"Don't bring my mother into this. It's all your fault that my mother died 5 years ago. It was all you. This kingdom have scarred me for so many years, it's time I pay back tenfold." Arthur replied.

"Your mother died in an accident. She volunteered to be the protector of the Holy Lake, and when the holy island sank, your mother..." Tristan said.

"You people killed my mother! If only you haven't persuaded my mother to be the priestess, she would have been alive right now." Arthur cried. Mark held tightly as he tried to resist more violently.

"Whatever your reason may be, you have killed countless innocent lives for your so called revenge. The gods may forgive you, but I won't" Jin said and pierced Arthur's heart.

Morgana's the only one left. Tufan and the spirithooves are trying to limit her movements by creating earth walls in her vicinity. The harpies and the remaining whitemanes roamed the sky above her and took turns attacking.

The ironscales, together with Flarius and Citrus overwhelmed Morgana by their numbers.

"This is for my father!" Flarius threw a spear at Morgana but she just burnt it to crisp. Citrus then rode the dragon and attacked Morgana. The dragon breathed flame while Citrus kept on throwing vials of potions at Morgana. Morgana was enraged and used her magic to control the dragon.

"Heed my voice. Attack these lowly creatures and kill them with your mighty flames." Morgana said. The dragom roared, and incinerated 10 Ironscale warriors with its breath.

"Citrus! What are you doing!?" Flarius yelled.

"She took control of the dragon!" Citrus replied.

"Dismount it quickly!" Tufan replied. Citrus jumped from the raging dragon. He was caught by a Whitemane, and landed him to the ground.

"Everyone take cover!" Gallahad appeared, holding the Holy Grail as it was shining. Everyone quickly gathered behind him, including Jin, Ive and the others.

"Holy Grail: Defensive Formation: Camelot!" Gallahad shouted as the dragon and Morgana attacked the inhabitants with their massive and deadly flames. An invisible dome blocked the flames and protected the inhabitants. The dragon and Morgana tried to break the dome.

"Tristan, use this and aim it at Morgana" Ive passed Tristan a black bracelet.

"How?" Tristan asked.

"Wear it first." Ive replied. Tristan wore the bracelet. As soon as he wore the bracelet, it turned into a wooden bow. Tristan then used the bow and aimed at Morgana.

"Then?" Tristan asked.

"Make an arrow with your magic, then release it using the bow" Ive replied "Now!"

Tristan concentrated his mana and created an arrow. He then released it at Morgana which drilled a hole in her head. Morgana's body dropped to the ground, and the dragon is now free from her control. Gallahad then took out the invisible dome.

"Now it's just you and us." Ive said "Let go of my sister and the other girls."

"My mother told me to claim this land. Her wishes must be fulfilled" The woman on the throne replied.

"Who's your mother and why would she want this island?" Ive asked.

"I am Lilia, Lilith's first born. Lilith, the mother of all demons want this island as one of the Underworld Army's station point. Now please, inhabitants of this island, surrender and die." Lilia said and created hundreds of shadow orbs and rained all of it at the inhabitants.

Jin blocked some of it with his swords. Tufan, Mark and the spirithooves used their earth wall to defend against it. Tristan shot, Gawain slashed, Gallahad deflected and everyone tried their best to dodge and defend against the raining shadow orbs.

Some tried to attack, but the invisible forcefield protecting Lilia blocked all of their attacks.

"We cannot defeat her if we can't damage her. Ive, what are we gonna do?" Jin asked as he blocked the shadow orbs.

"I have an idea." Ive said and summoned a crown "This is Cepheus, although it requires a lot of mana to use, it has a pretty powerful use. Anything you wish for, it will make it come true."

"So what's the plan?" Jin asked.

"Everyone who has mana, channel your mana to me. We will destroy that barrier, one way or another!" Ive exclaimed. Jin looked at her and nodded. Jin was the first to channel his mana at Ive. Mark seeing Jin, followed and channeled his mana as well. Then the ironhooves, Tristan, Gallahad, the harpies, the whitemanes, Citrus and lastly, the dragon.

As all their mana filled Cepheus, Ive aimed the raging mana at the invisible wall created by Lilia. A giant beam came out from the tip of the crown, slowly breaking the wall. Ive increased the firepower of the beam by pouring most of her mana into it, breaking the wall and piercing Lilia's arm.

Her left arm disintegrated, as purple blood came dripping from her wound. She hissed and vanished into thin air.

Ive then rushed at her sister and brought her down from her crucifixion. Jin and Mark also rushed to tend the unconscious Eva and Sheila.

Are they now safe? Or is danger still lurking within the shadows? What will become of Monster Island now that their current king is now dead? Time will tell...