Chapter 49: Into The Flames

Jin's POV

"Squad 18! Spread out and make a defensive formation! Spectre will support you on the backline!" Andrei shouted.

"Sir, yes sir!" They replied, and went to formation.

"Eva, Tristan, and Jasmine you take the left. Mark reinforced the defense. Ashley, Jin, Andrei go take the right. Kyan , Jane support Mark. I'll attack them head on" Captain Emray said and went to the front of the squadron.

We all went to our respective places and waited for the zombies.

[Ashley used Summon]

Ashley summoned all of her bunnies and stationed them right in front of the squadron. Then, a bunch of zombies appeared at a distance.

[Jasmine used Firearm: Sniper]

[Eva used Electric Field]

[Mark used Earth Wall]

[Kyan used Fusion: Fairy King Roldan of Ygdrassil]

[Kyan used Double Disaster]

Jasmine then shoots the zombies one by one. The electric field managed to slow the zombies down, while the earth wall managed to keep the zombies' in a single route. Kyan then hurls balls of fire at the zombies.

[Tristan used Sound Arrow]

[Andrei used Cloning Blades]

[Jin used Lion's Roar]

Tristan then shot the line of zombies with his arrow, piercing their heads consecutively. While Andrei threw a single blade at them and it exploded into multiple smaller ones that killed a group of zombies. While I blasted some of them with the fire projection using Leo.

"I can only maintain two support spells in order to support these many" Jane said.

[Jane used Enhanced Regeneration]

[Jane used Enhanced Mana Regeneration]

Then, Ashley's bunnies attacked the incoming zombies. Captain then jumped and strikes the ground.

[Captain used Cannon Punch]

The surface broke into pieces and it made the zombies fall. Jasmine and Tristan then shot the fallen zombies one by one killing them. There are only a few of them left.

"Squadron attack!" Kyan shouted and then the soldiers switched from shield to rifles and shot the remaining zombies until the last one.

The squadron cleaned up the corpses while we reassembled and plan things out.

"So, what's the plan? How can we raid the dungeon and destroy the seal at the same time?" Jasmine asked.

"Maybe not at the same time. It's best if we could close the dungeon first just to be safe" Kyan said.

"I agree. If we destroy the seal but the dungeon isn't closed, there's a chance that monsters may pop out from it" Andrei added.

"But, isn't it more efficient if we do both things at the same time? The squadron could clear the dungeon and we could destroy the seal?" Eva said.

"Remember that most of them are only normal people. They're not all levelers, they're just humans with guns" Captain replied.

"Isn't Jasmine also a human with gun?" Tristan asked.

"Her gun is magic in nature, and her bullets could penetrate stone. She's not just a human with gun" Mark replied.

"I think that, we should take care of the seal first. We're racing against time. In order to stop their plans, in order to stop the summoning of Ifrit, we need to kill the priestesses" Jane said.

"Why not vote?" Ashley replied.

"Yeah, good suggestion. The majority decides" Mark added.

"We're not complete. Two of our members aren't here" I said. Matt and Sheila's not here. I haven't seen them since we got back from the HQ.

"Chief, someone's looking for you. A blue haired guy and a pink haired woman." A soldier from outside said.

"Speak of the devil. Let them in!" Kyan said. After a few seconds, Matt and Sheila went in the tent.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"We're looking for this" Matt said and showed us a hilt of a dagger and a pair of glasses.

"Ive said that the hilt should be given to Andrei, while the lenses should be given to Jasmine. The hilt is Scorpio, the poisonous scorpion of the stars while the pair of glasses is Sagittarius, the centaurian archer who never missed" Sheila said. Matt gave the lenses to Jasmine, and the hilt to Andrei.

[Zodiac Set Activated]


[2nd Set Effect Activated]

[Set Effect: Whenever the users are within 15 meters from each other, attack damage is doubled]

"Doubled!? This is lit... but, why is it only 9? Wasn't Tristan given one too?" Mark asked.

"Mine's Orion, it is not part of the zodiac but it still one of the constellation weapons" Tristan replies. So the missing zodiacs are Libra, Capricorn and Pisces.

"Now let's get back go voting" I said.

"What voting?" Sheila asked.

"Oh right... We're debating on whether we raid the dungeon and kill the priestesses at the same time or not" I said "Now, who's in favour that we do it at the same time?"

Eva, Jasmine, Tristan, Ashley and I raised our hands.

"Now who's in favour that we won't do it at the same times?" I added

Mark, Jane, Captain, Sheila, Matt, Kyan and Andrei raised their hands.

"Ok, now who's in favour that we should raid the dungeon first?" I said.

Kyan, Andrei, Captain, Mark, Jasmine and Eva raised their hands.

"Now who's in favour that we should kill the priestesses first?" I said.

Me, Tristan, Jane, Matt, Sheila, and Ashley raised our hands.

"It's a tie" Jane said.

"I change my vote, let's raid the dungeon first" Tristan replied.

"Then it's decided. Kyan, ready your squadron. It's time to raid that dungeon" Captain Emray said.

Kyan nodded and went outside, Andrei and Jasmine followed him.

"Ashley, stay close to me alright?" Eva asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I can protect myself you know?" Ashley replied.

"Ashley, even though you have gained some levels it doesn't mean that you're now safe from danger. Stay close to Eva, while we're in there" I said and she nodded.

"Don't worry kid, I'll watch your back" Mark said and smiled at her.

"Yeah, besides, you're part of the team now. All of us will watch each other's backs" Jane added.

"Including you and Tristan, we now have 13 members. 12 more members left and we can be upgraded into a guild" Captain said.

"Will things stay the same if we turned into a guild?" Ashley asked.

"No. We need to hire more people if we turned into a guild. We also need to decide on our positions on the guild; such as the guild master, vice guild master, secretary of the guild, head treasurer, head of security and many more." Captain replied.

"We also need non levelers to do office work for paper works. Lastly, we need to decide on merchandises and fan interaction events if we become a guild" Jane added.

"So we basically become idols" Ashley said.

"Not just that, we also get discounts on certain items and we will be prioritized when it comes to licenses, basic medicines, and such. We'll be VIPs!" Mark said.

"And if we become one of the top guilds, we'll become celebrities and get invited on interviews, media and guestings" Jane added.

"What are the current top guilds anyways?" Eva asked.

"I think the third guild are the Raptors. They're an all men guild which focuses more on raw strength rather than magic spells. Most of them are brawlers and weapon masters" Mark said.

"The second top guild are the Divine Stags! Their guild master is a support like me. They're currently the fashion icons of the leveler industry. I heard that their vice guild master is an actor, so their HQ is a villa" Jane said.

"The top guild are the Silent Weavers. They are made up of the strongest levelers in the country. They are strong but they're so arrogant. Most of their levelers are involved in incidents of physical assault" Captain said.

"They're pretty diverse aren't they?" I said. There are wrestlers, there are preps and there are troublemakers. I wouldn't be surprised if one guild is made up of weird guys.

"Yes... they're quite... unique" Captain Emray replied and all of us laughed. Then, Andrei came back and told us that it's time to leave.

We readied ourselves and headed out. The squadron left first, while we followed closely. We arrived in front of the dungeon's portal.

[Level 8 Dungeon]

It said.

"So, what's inside a level 8 dungeon?" I asked.

"Monsters on levels 90 and above" Eva replied. Really? There are normal people and Ashley's still level 25. Eva held Ashley's hand and looked at her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Eva asked and looked at Ashley.

"Yes" Ashley nodded.

"Ok, Spectre let's go" Captain Emray said.

"Squadron 18, commence!' Kyan shouted.