Chapter 01

Who is Naveera and Burhan?

And how do they meet each other?

The girl(Navera) belongs to a middle class family.

The boy(Burhan) belongs to a rich class..

Navera is a M.A student. She was going to have papers.But for some reason the papers were canceled.She went to social media for information about the university she was studying at.

First she joined Facebook.But she left Facebook.She found out that her university account was also on an app called Twitter. She went to Twitter.There she followed the university's account.Naveera's account was also followed by many people .Lots of people inboxed it. But she was a scared girl. She was scared when she saw the message. Many people called her friendship but she would block everyone out of fear.

One day she received a message from a team joining. It was a political team.She thought I should go and see what was going on. If it is fun, I will stay, otherwise I will leave.The team head added her to a group. And the admin of this group and the people welcomed it very well.There she met a boy. This Boy name was Burhan.

Burhan is a good boy. He was also a writer. He used to write. But due to some problem he stopped writing. He used to run away from female caste. He was allergic to female caste. Whoever asked him for help. He helped everyone. He helps every poor person. His biography is very good. He has a good moral character.

When Navera was added to that group. So Burhan also welcomed her warmly .

Burhan supported her a lot.Navera was very impressed with his character and personality.

Seeing him, she fell in love with him at first sight.Naveera liked the Burhan very much.

She spoke to the Burhan for the first time in a group.She went crazy for Burhan.

One day٫ Navera did not go there all day. Burhan asked a girl about the Navera: where she is today.The next day Navera went to the group again and everyone asked her where you were yesterday. And Burhan also asked her where you were. She said: she fell and didn't come because she wasn't feeling well.Burhan expressed regret and wished him a speedy recovery

One day؛ Navera inboxed the Burhan. And said I was leaving here for a few days. I will come soon.Burhan asked the reason, Navera told him she was going somewhere and she would not be able to come to Twitter. Burhan let out a sad sigh

Navera said: Please don't be sad

If you wanted to contact me, I would give you my number.

Burhan said: "If you have no problem , please give it to me. She gave the number and now the friendship began.They both asked about each other"

Navera has never been in love with any boy. But she fell in love with a Burhan.They talked to each other every day.They talked late into the night..