Chapter 26

Navera leaves the hospital and takes a taxi to Ahad's house.

"You have tried to take my love away from me. I will take everything from you. I am coming to take revenge from you. And from today the time of my revenge begins. "

(Navera thinking in her heart)

Navera gets out of the taxi in front of Ahad's house.

Navera knocks on his door.

Ahad opens the door and is surprised to see Navera.

Ahad was shocked and said: "Navera You?"

Navera said: ''Yes, Me. May i come in?"

Ahad said nervously: "Yes, come"

Navera looked at him angrily and said: "I was longing to meet you."

Ahad was surprised to hear this and said:۔ " From me?Am I dreaming or have you come to fight me because I have killed your Burhan?"

Navera got angry when she heard this and controlled her anger and said: "No. I did not come to fight you."

Ahad said: "Then why did you come? "

Navera Said :"I have told you that I have come to see you."

Ahad laughed and said:" I can't believe it."

Navera said: "Believe me. Because it is to your benefit."

Ahad said:" How is my benefit?"

Navera said:" You will know."

Meanwhile, Navera gets a call from her father.

Navera picks him call...

Burhan Said:"Hello Navera. Where are you?"

Ahad is sitting in front of Navera. So she says to Burhan that :"I will talk to you later."

Burhan is upset to hear this.

Navera says to Ahad:" I am leaving, I will talk to you later."

Ahad said: "All right. I will wait"

Navera leaves and goes to the hospital.

When Navera arrives at the hospital, she first runs to Burhan's room.

Navera goes to his room. Burhan is sitting sad.

Navera goes to Burhan and says: "Sorry Burhan. I could not talk to you then. forgive me. "

Burhan said:" Where were you? Who couldn't talk to me"

Navera Said: "Burhan. I went to Ahad's house."

Burhan said angrily:" What? Ahad's house.Navera, what did you do there?"

Navera tells him to relax and tells him that: "I have told you that I will take revenge on him."

Burhan said: "Navera, you will have nothing to do with it and you will not take any revenge. I will take it from him."

Navera laughed and said: 'So you take it too. It's better that we both take revenge. I will take you later until you are well. All you have to do is believe in me. understood"

Burhan said:" Navera, I believe in you but not in Ahad. Let him not do anything wrong with you."

Navera said: "Nothing will happen to me. Don't worry".

Burhan said: "OK, but in all this you should not forget me"

Navera said: "This will never happen. Don't be sad I will spend more time with you and less time wasting it. We just belong to each other. No one can separate us. If anyone tries to do that, we will end it."

Burhan looks at Navera and smiles .

Navera kisses him on the forehead and tells him to relax. Burhan falls asleep and Navera sits to him and looks at him thinking of taking revenge on Ahad...