Mike is 27, belongs to a wealthy family but he built his own IT Company named 'M.S. tech'. He built this company 4 years ago and now he is a self-made billionaire.

He is very strict at work but very friendly and caring towards his friends.

He has his friend mild whom he met when he was starting up his company seeing his determination Mike took him in and they are friends ever since. Mike is a workaholic but mild keep on pushing him to go out and socializing.

But Mike doesn't like when people approach him for his money and being fake. A lot of girls sometimes even boys try to approach him as he is super handsome.

He has been in a relationship for 1 year but later broke up as he found his girlfriend was cheating on him. After that, he had a hard time trusting people.

It's been a week after that event, Mike was still thinking about the man he bumped into whom he called an angel. He was losing his focus at work seeing he like this mild was shocked and concerned. this is the first time mike is acting like this. he has always been a reasonable person and acts so uptight with others. but right now he seems like a totally different person.

Mild walked into Mike's office with some file as he put files on the table he noticed Mike is spacing out again

"Mike to earth… Mike to earth."

Mike snapped out to it and look at mild who was standing before his table.m"Oh mild when you got here".

Mild teased "not long ago, just when you were in deep thoughts with that lust on your face like you were about to devour someone in your dream".

Mike stood up to chase mild as he started to run around the room "you bully! come here. I'll show you what is devouring". Mike said as he was chasing mild.

After running around and round like kids in the playground playing tag, they got out of breath. Mike sat down sofa breathing heavily seeing Mike sitting down mild sat on the sofa opposite to him. After catching his breath mild speak first "still dreaming about angels?"

Mike glared at him and said, "not angels ...just an angel".

Mild chuckled "okay okay angel. But I don't get it. you just met him once and you were not even gay as long as I remember. So what's so special about him?"

Mike replied with a smile on this face "you won't understand it's not about me being gay or straight something about him made my heart skip a beat. I know I have never been interested in any guy in y lifetime but mild he was… he was just mesmerizing. Looking at him, I don't know what it made me feel like he was the one. As he was speaking all my senses were lost. Don't know why I never have felt this before all I could think was how beautiful he is... like an angel. I don't understand the feeling. I never felt like this for anyone and it is intense. I know it is crazy but I shake the feeling."

Mild was listening to his friend as Mike continues "at first I thought I will forget him soon as the days go by.... maybe I am having some delusional thought but it was not like that... his face is not fading from my memory... I have this urge... urge to see him again... listen to his voice again. I don't know what this feeling is?"

As Mike finished mild looked at him like he is looking at a new breed of animal at the zoo. when mike saw that look on mild's eye he said "stop staring"

"Is this what people call love at first sight?" mild almost whispered but mike heard it.

Mike looked at mild with wide eyes "don't look at me like that I am telling you the feeling that you can't understand is love at first sight. So my friend now listens to your love guru. You are not gonna see him by sitting in this office of yours or at your home you want to see him find him."

Mike replied with a sigh "where could I find him I don't even know his name."

"So you are saying you gonna wait in this office for him maybe he will come by lunchtime to say 'hey Mike I am here let's go on a date".

Mike knew mild was right if he wants to see him again he have to get out.

"Okay mild!!! let's find him".

For next week Mike and mild went to every club, café, restaurant, all the popular places in the city. Mike had a hope that he will get to see his angel again. But no luck.

After 10 days of searching here and there. Mike was losing hope. he wanted to meet the person who took his sleep away and know more about and if possible be with him.

Now, he was sitting in his favorite café waiting for his coffee thinking about where he could find his angel. He was searching for the most crowded places where he might have luck. When suddenly came to his table.

"Sir here is your order please enjoy"

Placing Mike's order on the table the man was about to turn back when Mike recognized his voice and look up to see his face. His eyes widened in shock. It was his angel. He was right in front of him... he looked at him with wide eyes and stood up abruptly...