Jealous wife (part one)

✨I won't change the story, I'll just put it in shorter chapters and fix some details. (enjoy new readers) no power stone needed... ✨

When I open my eyes, the first thing that catches my attention is a discomfort in my balls, they were all sticky and wet from the heat...

I look to the sides and there is no one, I get up and go to open the door a little, I look down the corridor, there is no one, I go out and continue to my bedroom, I try to hide in every corner that I can, yes in my own house. Before entering the main bedroom, I check that no one is inside...

The voice of my wife and Emily are downstairs and it is heard that someone is using the shower, I run to the closet and take out a towel and immediately put it around my waist, I let out a long and deep sigh, with this done, I relax a little more .

I take out of the closet the clothes that I am going to wear after the shower and try to get out of my bedroom as quickly as possible.

At that precise moment, (shit) I say in my mind when I see my wife open the bedroom door and she tells me annoyed. ► "" John what the hell is wrong with you, I yelled at you several times and you don't answer me, "◄ Isabelle stayed with her arms crossed, after her comment.

Seeing me so willing to leave the bedroom, my wife frowns and then she questions me saying. ►"Let's see, John, what do you have in your hands."◄ He points to the clothes that I have hidden in my arms...

With both hands on her waist and a suspicious look, my wife tells me. ► "It looks like you're stealing, Annabelle's panties confess lardon." ◄ Upon finishing her sentence, Isabelle immediately tries to snatch what I have in her hands, while she questions me. ► "what are you wearing?" ◄ she snatches my clothes from her hands, but she's not satisfied. She just starts going through item by item.

Isabelle walks towards the bed and throws them one by one.

Not finding anything suspicious, my wife starts grumbling a few times and she smacks her lips in annoyance.. *MIch* was the most common way of expressing her bad mood...

It is not the first time that Isabelle does this to me, she always does it when her sister is at home and for some strange reason, she tries to justify her behavior, with countless pretexts...

Silly arguments like, I must be cheating, I'm going to leave her, I'm thinking of another woman without referring to her sister of course and the most classic of all (she's already old, fat, stupid etc. etc.)

►"For God's sake, woman, you're only 34 years old."◄ I tell her as I try to lift my clothes..

My wife takes care of her body worse than temple, exercises, diets and medicines. she puts on creams, takes pills, she uses ointments, prepares supplements and that's not the worst.

She has at her disposal a large entourage of specialists, psychologists, dentists, trainers, nutritionists and a couple of assistants.

She even has a marriage counselor, do me a favor

If it were up to my wife, I'd have to make an appointment three days in advance, before I had any sex. Trying to get the stars to align or for Virgo to fall into the Gemini house.

The good thing about all this circus is that physically Isabelle is quite a Kim Kardashian but with blue eyes, white skin and blonde hair... like a Barbie doll but with a bad temper...

Now, her family is all the same or much worse than my wife and they let themselves be influenced by her. Especially her other sisters, my mother-in-law, my mother, my nieces, my sisters and my daughter.

Finding nothing, Isabelle turned around and told me ►"turn around, I'll have to check you." ◄ I was left with a face like, what the hell are you saying to me...

Isabelle grabbed my hands and repead. ►" Turn around, turn around "◄ With no other alternative I continue the game..

I turn around, Isabelle hugs me from behind and moves her hands all over my body removing the towel and placing it on the floor...

He checks me by patting my back, arms, thighs, buttocks and waist, finally he hugs me from behind and moves his hands over my chest, abdomen and lowers his hands to my waist, he passes to my thighs and rubs them a couple of times. .

To finish her review, Isabelle puts her hand on my cock and with the other hand she plays with my balls, while she tells me. ► "" honey "" ◄ When I hear her say that to me, I swear that my skin crawled and I feel like my balls are getting smaller between her fingers...

Between laughs Isabelle asks me. ► "because you were late last night" "◄ as she puts a little pressure on my balls,

I answer as quickly as I can. ►"a job"◄ Isabelle's entire demeanor changes instantly.

She stops pressing my balls and she asks me in a serious way. ►"You can talk to me about that or not."◄ I nod to confirm with my head and I explain what the job is about and what the job is for..

Isabelle is not very convinced by this, it shows in her voice, ►"can you say no?"◄

I shake my head a couple of times, close my eyes and sigh with regret. ► "everyone would have to move out of the country if I refuse." ◄ Isabelle knows perfectly well that this is impossible, so she just sighs before hugging me again and say me. ►"when you should introduce yourself."◄

►"Today, between 7 and 9 in the morning"◄ I answer, Isabelle looks at her watch and turned my body around, to be face to face... ►"we have some time"◄ said this, Isabelle takes me by the hand and guides me to the bed, .... lets go of the hand and leans over the bed..

Before I started Isabelle gave me a warning. ►"Don't even think about shoving it up your ass, today I have a very important meeting at noon, it will be hell walking around with a broken ass."◄ I roll my eyes before approaching, low her leggings along with her knee-high panties and with both hands I hold her buttocks tightly.

My fingers sink into her skin and I separate her buttocks.

This gave me a perfect view ,, I see Isabelle's cave, she was lubricated with nectars perfectly visible, I grabbed my dragon and rubbed it on its butt. ...

Isabelle looks back at me in a panic at my smile, as i run my hand over my dick and smack it against her ass, her eyes go wide as lamps and she yells at me insistently. ► "NO., NO, NO, NOT ALL NEVER".. ◄ She tries to get away from me, she begs me but i'm too late and i just plunge my whole dick all the way to the bottom and beyond..

At that very moment her scream came in response to my actions. ►"AAAAAAGGG, you bastard, Aaah."◄ Each of my thrusts hit hard and deep, very deep...

Isabelle's eyes are completely blank, her pupils gone, she had stopped screaming a long time ago.

Right now Isabelle only had the strength to push every time John penetrated her, she let out a <"junph">

John's cock slams deep into the cave making buttocks of Isabelle quiver with each thrust.

Isabelle was on all fours [dog style] with her head facing the ceiling, saliva trickling down the corner of her mouth as she tries to hold on to the sheets. Because John is pulling her hair so hard, the poor woman has to lift her head..

The poor woman could not articulate even half a coherent sentence, let alone a single complete sentence. Isabelle just mumbles some nonsense. ►"Son of a bitch stop.....just stop....we'll buy a new car.....not so strong bastard.....we have to go shopping◄ John's thrusts were getting stronger and stronger And faster, Isabelle had no choice but to close her mouth and grit her teeth, because there was vaginal fluid running between her thighs, from the two previous cumshots..

The sex performed in the bedroom sounds like a goat being sacrificed, Isabelle's legs began to tingle a little, which grew little by little and runs through her entire body.

Isabelle knew that this time a big one was coming, a very big one...



Annabelle shows a big smile in front of the mirror when she remembers how her brother-in-law fucked her last night, they had been doing these things with her sister since they were dating...

Although she always has some consequences, like irritation or a strong pain like this moment in her ass and she always ends up walking something strange..

He grabs a permanent marker from the drawers on the counter and began to draw the mole next to his lips, while he was concentrating on the mirror he heard the conversation in the bedroom and in his mind he began to have several crazy ideas like, (what face will he make if he comes out from the bathroom in a towel and then throws the towel on the floor saying "oops it fell off"

All of Annabelle's thoughts came to a halt as she heard a series of applause, accompanied by groans.

Curious to know what was going on between her sister and her brother-in-law, she walked to the door and opened it as quietly as she could, making a small crack in the door..

She was not surprised to see her brother-in-law having sex with her sister, because if they talk about marriage and some technicalities between her and her sister together with her brother-in-law, it would also be her husband and she has two beautiful girls that confirm it.

Putting those thoughts out of her head, Annabelle focused on what was happening in front of her, she loves seeing her brother-in-law being so wild with her sister and she would never get bored of it..

Annabelle licks her lips wetting her lips a couple of times and slowly went up both hands around the contour of her figure, until she reached her breasts, running her fingers between her hard nipples. ►"Mmmn"◄ As hard as buttons...

She takes one hand to her mouth, inserts two fingers and sucks them until they are completely covered in saliva and immediately lowers them to her crotch and runs her fingertips around the edge of her cave, . ►"Mmmn"◄ He distributes its juices until it lubricates his fingers, and in passing massages his small ball that protrudes, in the upper part of his cave.. ►"Mmmn"◄ after another moan, he passes his fingers once more, receiving that much-needed stimulation...

►""Oooh! GOD AAAAHHGG""◄ Her sister's screams in the background, trying to persuade any woman who wants to take this cock,... Annabelle takes her fingers to her mouth again and sucks them a couple more times, before lower them back down to introduce to their cave..

Trying to simulate with her fingers that fat cock that she loves so much ► "" Mmm "" ◄ pushes her fingers into her cave and coordinates her moans with her sister's...

< I have 10 days with terrible internet problems..>