Commander Bai visits the store (part-1)

Mark continued to scroll. He arrived at the accessory section.

"Ugh, I can only afford copper-grade items?" Mark didn't see any good accessories that he can buy right away. The copper-grade accessories only boost all of his stats by 0.1. Instead of buying those worthless ones, Mark decided to scroll up and make continuous purchases.

*Ding! You purchased a basic intelligence pill. 500 credits have been deducted.

*Ding! You purchased a basic intelligence pill. 500 credits have been deducted.

*Ding! You purchased a basic intelligence pill. 500 credits have been deducted.

Mark didn't open the inventory and consume the pills, thinking of saving them for the future. If that's the case, why bother to purchase now? Can't he just purchase them at any time? Well, even Mark doesn't know the reason behind his actions. He just acted on impulse, feeling that it is the right thing to do.