The Godly Archer of the Sui clan

He's Sui Weisheng, once in a century genius Archer and the future Patriarch of the clan. This thirty-year-old young man is the one that runs the clan behind the scenes. 

The Patriarch opened his mouth, "So, um, the reason I summoned you here is… is… is… about… about…"

"Uncle, elite members." The young man leaned his head and slowly whispered in his uncle's ears.

"Ah, yes, three of our Elite members were killed by someone as they were pursuing a criminal. Their life crystals were shattered. And… and… and…" As the Patriarch is stuttering again due to nervousness, his nephew once again whispered something.

He continued, "And the radiance in Elder Hanying's life crystal is dwindling. So, he too was defeated by this same criminal."