The Emperor wishes to retire

Imperial Palace;

In a private chamber of the Imperial Palace, the Emperor was having tea with the Grand Secretariat. It was a common practice for both of them after the morning session of the court.

The Emperor appeared to be tired.

Letting out a sigh for the umpteenth time, he said, "I really don't know who to pick as my successor. One is too weak in strength to ascend to the throne and the other one is not only depends on his allies too much but is also sly in nature.

And these ministers aren't helping the situation, either. At this rate, my children will probably go through the same thing as me. Can't those brats give me a comfortable retirement?"

"If you ask me, your majesty, then, the one that has no desire for the throne is the one that is eligible to sit on it. I'm not saying this. It is what the ancient scholars said." The Grand Secretariat Li Zhen Kang replied to him in a roundabout way.