Dungeon of Taslan (part-1)

After clinching a huge deal with Feng Wu, Mark left the place.

Feng Wu later returned to the bandits' village and called for an urgent assembly.

The elders were summoned to the council room where they usually discuss the matters going on in Western Yan. They had their own group of loyal spies working in the kingdom, of which, one of them was even a eunuch working at the palace.

Never once they had abandoned the idea of reclaiming their throne and returning to their homeland. But, the conditions in the past decade weren't in their favor.

When Feng Wu explained about the panzer that can take on 4-circle realm experts with ease, the elders were baffled and later, expressed their support to him.

After deciding on the numbers, he summoned merchant Huo Fen, who was imprisoned here a few weeks ago and later, got trapped by working as an instructor to the bandits that were new to firearms.