Are you ready, Manager Song?

"Oh! Hey Alina, Lady Song will resume her stay here," said Mark as soon as he spotted the female Android.

"Eh? What's going on?" She was taken aback by surprise. She was thinking that everything will go the same way as before once Song Yue leaves but this girl returned? 

While the Android cannot access Mark's memories without his permission, she can connect with the system. Unless it is necessary, she wouldn't do that. It is why she just waited for Mark's return without enquiring why he and Allen left for a quest without taking her.

Now that she became curious about the matter, she accessed the system's Quest log and found the details. From there, everything is easy to understand, although there's still something that bugged her mind. 

She didn't ask any questions and quietly escorted the two of them upstairs. Alina get back to the bedroom she was familiar with and so, was Mark.