Making a visit to the Black Citadel

100 million gold coins over the next five years. It means that on average, the Genesis Store would earn more than fifty thousand gold coins every day just from the Imperial Palace, alone.

For a moment, it felt as if an electrifying spark passed through his veins.

While Mark put aside the plans of dethroning his biological father and changed his strategy to make the Imperial Palace heavily dependent on firearms, he never ruled out the possibility of creating a civil war.

And if he committed to five years of peace, who knows… he might even stop hating his biological parents. Hatred is the one that is fueling Mark to progress. He doesn't want to do that. Not to mention, he might create nuclear missiles within that time.

  Hence, Mark opted to seek a different solution. After thinking for a bit, he said to the second prince, "100 million does sound tempting but 5 years is too long, Your Highness. If I were to do this, then, I wish to have weekly guarantees."