Song Yun escapes the prison

*Ding! You received an Emergency Quest, Save Song Yun.

Quest: Song Yun is truly repenting actions and deserves a second chance to redeem himself. Get him out of the prison using whatever method.

Reward: 1000 credits


"Only 1000?" Mark was certainly disappointed by the reward. Usually, the system offers him hefty rewards while issuing an Emergency Quest, well, based on its importance. The fact that the reward is low indicates that he doesn't need to help him.

However, even the system believes that Song Yun is changed. And it is something that he can't ignore. For the sake of Song Yue, he decided to take a leap of faith.

But then again, he wasn't the type to risk his goal for the sake of an enemy like this middle-aged fellow. In fact, the latter should be happy with the fact that Mark didn't kill him on the spot.