Ouyang Zen, the king of Eastern Sun

*Bang* bang* bang* bang*

Continuous gunshots reverberated across the hills located outside of Helius city and people who were kneeling on the ground started collapsing with all of their skulls pierced by a 12.7mm round, killing them instantly.

After the last kneeling guy died, the flying horse slowly descended onto the ground and the 12-year-old kid, who was the shooter, jumped from the back of the horse with the sniper rifle.

*Clap* Clap* Clap*

A middle-aged-looking fellow landed behind him and started clapping, "Bravo, Your Majesty. You are indeed a once-in-a-century genius. Without any formal training, you have not only struck the target without fail but even managed to put a hole in their skulls precisely."

Meanwhile, the soldiers, who were nervous as hell as they stood behind the prisoners as the kid fired the bullets, couldn't help but wipe out their sweat and let out a series of sighs of relief as the mass execution is finished.