Battle for the seed of fire (part-1)

The lava golem is more than 3000 meters big with no legs to move around. One can say that is a half-golem, considering its base is its abdomen. It is like the entire Mt. Jizu had grown arms, and head, and came into life.

To talk more about its appearance, it has six eyes with three eyes on each side placed vertically on top of each other. Each eye is about 30-40 meters big in size, enough to terrify people with one glance.

On its forehead, there is a brightly glowing gem, the size of a 30-story building (~120m). 

There's another glowing gem, located in the middle of its chest and this one is the size of a 120-story building (~500m).

As one would believe, both of them turned out to be fire seeds. Sensing its cultivation from far away, Lan Ju opinioned that it is at the peak stage of the 9-circle realm but its strength would be far higher. If compared to the beasts, the lava golem would be a beast emperor.