Shang Wei at the Leon Empire

As the third prince of the Phoenix Empire asked Emperor Shi to speak of his intentions, the latter simply let out a smile and said, "What do you think of my granddaughter, Princess Shi Juan? You met her yesterday. I believe both of you are a good match."

The image of a battle-crazy lady in knight's armor appeared in Shang Wei's head, and instantly, his mood soured a bit. Forcing out a smile, he replied, "Your Majesty, I already have a girl that I love."

"Who is it that stole the heart of an intellectual like you?" asked the 83-year-old emperor without showing any sort of displeasure at getting his proposition rejected. It looked like he was quite curious. "Which empire's princess is she? I heard that Western Moon's princess was quite intelligent and wise. Is it her perhaps?"

Shang Wei answered honestly, "She is not a princess but the daughter of a minister. He is the current head of the Lin Clan."