An alliance proposition to the Eastern Sun kingdom

Three days later, Helios City;

At the entrance of the capital city of Eastern Sun, which lies on the northern coast of the southern province of the kingdom, an army of about three to four hundred soldiers was on standby with each one having a rifle in his/her hand while their general was staring at the sky in anticipation in order to proceed with the orders came from above.

As the soldiers were staying in this position since morning without any movement, some of them became busy scolding Mark in their hearts. 

The sun is on their head, they didn't have any food or even water, and their legs were about to give out. However, not one of them dared to speak or even move from the spot for the orders from a King are absolute. Because of that, even the nearby citizens who gathered on the sidelines out of curiosity couldn't leave either as it would be disrespectful to their king.