Dragon Warrior Tournament (part-4)

The next day;

"The winner is Dai Qiu of the Kunlun sect"

"The winner is Xie Mei of Xianshu Sect"

"The winner is Sui Weisheng of Mt. Hua sect"

"The winner is Lu Wan of Star sect"

"The winner is Meng Tao of the Five Lakes sect"

"The winner is Zi Ling of the Kunlun sect"

"The winner is Yu Hao of the Iron Palm sect"

"The winner is Xian Li of Blue lotus sect"

"The winner is Wang Teng of the Wuji sect"




"The winner is Ai Qing of the Wuji sect"

After more than 26 matches, Mark finally got his turn around noon and he went onto the stage.

Just like in the first round, his opponent was once again a 5-circle realm Spirit Warrior. But, Gu Li wasn't considered a good matchup, well, according to others.

Yanmen sect is one of the major sects in the Kun Empire which is also known as the breeding ground of assassins. The sect only takes in those who have the talent to be an assassin.