Nuclear bomb

Mark 14 Nuclear bomb

Model: TX-14

Grade: N/A

Type: Thermonuclear

Yield: 6.9 Megatons

Energy Release at the point of impact: 28.8696 Peta Joules (Equivalent stats: 12.1)

Max. Blast radius (high possibility of death): 4183 meters (groundburst), 4467 meters (airburst)

Max. Effective radius (light injuries): 26.5 km (groundburst), 30.7 km (airburst)

Description: This nuclear bomb has the potential to wipe out any Spirit warrior below Saint Realm if they stand close enough from the point of impact. The more distance is from the point of impact, the less damage the targets will receive.


"The first solid fuel staged hydrogen bomb, eh… It's an old model but the danger it possesses to my enemies cannot be ignored either.

Putting aside this bomb's ability, there's something I need to ponder.