Return of Alina

Mark's Factory;

Mark's spirit entered his factory space and the assistant robots proceeded with assembling all the parts.

This time, the Robotic Cerberus was connected to a large external battery, which was fully powered.

The whole thing was brought to the testing space and Mark proceeded with the launch.

Mark land on its back to activate it. Just as he was about to switch it on, Mark took back his hand in nervousness.

"No, let's not risk this."

Mark remembered Allen's advice and wondered if he could integrate Alina's core into this robot by himself.

But, he doesn't want to risk getting it damaged either.

Hence, he consulted the system.

"System, can the core get damaged if something unexpected happens in this project?"

The system was always quick to reply.

*Ding! Negative. The exterior of the core is made from adamantium alloy, which can resist the attack of even a demigod.