Sylvandria escaped the mind control? What does it mean?

Along with a few corrupted elven warriors, Mark and Sylvandria started their journey to the other side of the world. They reached Mor Gondamin, the capital city of the kingdom of Dark Elves, after traveling for roughly more than 21 hours.

Even in such time, both of them had passionate sex in the wild three times, once in a forest, once behind the waterfall, and once in the carriage drawn by the horses.

After reaching the underground city of Mor Gondamin, they were welcomed with great respect by the dark elves, despite their disgust toward demonic beings as well as celestial elves. They made sure that neither Mark nor Sylvandria would feel any discomfort about the visit.

The reason for their hospitality is obvious. Sylvandria is a supreme being and Mark is the hero with unknown cultivation and mysterious abilities.

Following the plot, Mark cooperated well by putting up his fake smile until the round table conference started two days later.