The Grand Auction (part-8)

"Item no. 7: One-time use, Scroll of Thousand Blossoms. This painted scroll, when unfurled, releases a shower of mystical cherry blossoms. Each blossom possesses extraordinary healing properties. In theory, there is a 1 in a 100 chance that it could even bring back the dead to life when used within an hour of death.

The starting bid price is 10,000 gold coins and the guardian for this challenge round is a peak stage 7-circle realm Spirit Warrior."

"Congratulations Ms. Shen Ling on winning the bid for 230,000 gold coins for the challenge. Please send the warrior to the field."

"Congratulations Ms. Shen Ling on winning the item."


"Item no. 8: Fan of Ephemeral Storms: