Shang Bo and the sick lady

King Shen Niu's eyes widened in realization. He couldn't help but reach out to his forehead to wipe out his sweat beads with his sleeves and ask, "Then, what do you propose?" Shang Fu looked a bit disappointed but still looked at Mark for the solution.

Mark then said, "If you ask me, I say engage fourth prince Shang Bo to your niece, Shen Yurong. She might be a year older than him but this will also ensure a tight bond between the Shen Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty."

"Yurong'er?" King Shen only sighed in response. But the way he addressed that name stated that he was close to her. "You already know her condition. She has a weak physique and is constantly sick. Even Saint Fu couldn't cure her. We can't do that to Prince Shang Bo."

"That's because I don't waste 250,000 gold coins unnecessarily on a stranger," thought Mark as he heard those words. He then spoke in confidence, "If you give me time, I will treat her. What do you say?"