The ultimate robot (part-1)

The giant meteor is the dowry Shen Ling gave him for the marriage. Back then, Shen Ling didn't know much about it, apart from the fact that it was constantly used by the Shen Dynasty to make more than a hundred semi-divine weapons over the years.

Mark, however, knew that it was an adamantium alloy with over 46% adamantium and other materials. It was the very reason he was tempted to marry her in the first place.

After the extraction of adamantium over the years on the island, they were used to manufacture colossal robots. But, pure adamantium is too tough to handle even for rank-10 robots. Not to mention, it isn't known to be a flexible material either. While it makes great shields, but for the robots, Mark needed something else.

Using Ark Alpha's material composition as the base, he designed colossal robots, each as big as 500 feet, made of 60% adamantium, 35% titanium, and 5% iridium and other materials.