Two Psychopaths

At first, I thought she fought, killed with style. The precision and quality as she administered each kill. The flexibility she possessed was breathtaking. Her random sequence in combat at specific parts where she would protrude her blade. Her favourite parts were piercing from the left eye, specifically with her dagger.

The lower section of the abdomen as the insides just cascaded out. Every movement she produced at every contact to every effect produced music. At first, I thought she fought and killed with style, though, I was mistaken. She had done so with passion, although, that was until I saw the mirth she displayed.

Ta-hawa moved from one Munssu to another like a painter moving from one master peace to another. The tips of her fingers delicately yet deadly held each weapon with precision upon each contact. "Are you in love with me or something?", she arrogantly asked as she ejected her dagger from the eye socket of a corpse that pertained to a Southern Soldier. Her mood swings were beginning to annoy me. I was about to respond until she warned, "zombie at 12!".

I released my Ark on spear mode which protruded through the mid-section of the Soldier. He winced as he attempted to remove the blade. "You will never win...", he started. Before he could proceed, Ta-hawa threw her standard training sword directly at his face causing the Soldier to fall to the floor, lifelessly.

His corpse spasmed redundantly, perhaps shocked that it was deprived of administering a final speech. I looked at Ta-hawa, "what!? I am getting tired with the ceremonious death speeches", she justified. "Well, get ready for the third waved", I said. We heard footsteps as loud as a stampede approaching, "I am not waiting for anyone", said Makela as she ran in the direction of where the noise was coming from.

Girls and their mood swings! I followed her from the catwalk. Thankfully, my health began to improve over the weeks. From above I could see, give or take fifty armed Munssu. "Ta-hawa, you have about fifty Lobsters", "well... now would be the time for one of your brilliant ideas", scoffed Makela. "Oh!? Now you want my help?", "I always need your help, my love", Mm… Hmm…". 

Think, think, think, think… think!!! Right! Got it! "I can hear you shouting, you are going to damage my ear, along with my communicator!", complained Ta-hawa.  "Do you recall the Predator Move?", I asked, "obviously", "right... hmm. When your helmet is activated, set it to night vision, and whatever you do... kill only from the centre, leave either wall vacant for the Lobster kill. I'll use the Gaddafi", I shared the plan.

Ta-hawa and the Lobster lot stood at either end of the corridor, it kind of gave that Wild West vibe. Makela drew her Ark sword and charged. The Lobsters at the other end followed protocol. "Hold on... hold on... hol ̶... NOW", I instructed as I released an arrow directed for the right side of the corridor. The arrow released a black smoke on impact creating a black cloud between her and them.

Ta-hawa executed the Predator Move, silently moving through the smoke. I jumped from the railings to the other side of the catwalk to get a better view of the action. I wore my aviators and set them on night vision for a better view. In the impact of the first smoke, Makela silently moved to stab a Lobster through the chin with her dagger while directly injecting her Ark sword into the mouth of the proceeding Lobster.

She moved out of the smoke which was a surprise for eight Lobsters who were bewildered at her sudden appearance. She waved through the first four like a riptide; she threw her Ark sword which transformed in mid-air into second gear, spear. The Ark spear protruded through the first of the eight Lobster's forehead. He died with a flabbergasted expression as the force of the spear drugged the corpse back into the second Lobster's right eye. The corpse spasmed on the surface like fish on sailors' deck. 

One of the eight attempted a swing at Ta-hawa though she was too fast, she rolled forward and rose with her standard training sword in her right hand which she used to decapitate the fourth Lobster while shooting the third Lobster from his behind with Ivan's PSS silent pistols. 

I released two arrows for either side of the corridor, reducing the number of Lobsters to half whilst the others were consumed by the explosion, bonus.

The four of the eight fell to their backs allowing Makela to end them quickly. With the smoke masking her presence and its toxicity making it difficult for the Lobsters to focus, Makela moved from one Lobster to another, from spear to abdomen to dagger to eyeball, to sword to neck.

I could hear the gurgling of blood as her blade left one corpse to another, as blood trickled, as blood dripped from her blade, wincing as the blade of her dagger protruded from under the chin into the brain and out of the skull. I listened to every movement though, it was impossible to detect her movements. Similar to a conductor, you could hear the orchestra, the dependent variable though it was impossible to hear the independent variable.

Ta-hawa was the only one standing by the time she reached the opposite end of the corridor.

The helmet inserted into its case when the smoke finally wore out. Makela checked her wrist, "eighty-nine seconds, nice", she said with a smug. "Not bad", "whatever!", rolling her eyes.

We walked into an open space that was probably used for storage, I had not much time to make out where we were. It's an awful excuse for an Apostle though we crash-landed into an ambush which had not given me enough time to take in my surroundings. There were dusty old crates on the floor, on dusty tables. Either side hosted a series of aligned shelves with dustier old crates. This place was used for all clandestine purposes after its usefulness. Empty sheath packets laid on the floor while decorations of French letters defiled the dusty surface.

This was an awkward place to get sensual, I thought out loud, "like, gross", whispered Makela. 

We walked to the centre taking in all the elements around us, until... 

"People around us have this habit of underestimating who we are or what we are capable of performing, the saddest part is at some point, we underestimate ourselves and even worse we succumb to the untruthful realities of what people babble about us."

I was standing with my Ark to the ready, my left-hand inches away from Nimzy and my back against Ta-hawa's, whose dagger was already drawn and ready to piers through flesh. We were surrounded by Munssu who did not have swords but Ak47s pointed at us. We were in a warehouse that was probably not used for the last three decades. I was trying not to have an Adrenaline idea because the last time that happened, I ended up having nightmares about the pain I inflicted on those Disciples. That moment when you see death, you see its form, shape, face, whatever.

That's when you know your time on this planet was up. I contemplated, how fast was I, hold up, how fast was a bullet. No! wrong question. How fast would it take for these puppets to pull the trigger? Then it came again, the Adrenaline idea (I have to find a cool name for it).  "Wait, nawh… Is that a brother I see", I said looking at the Munssu in front of me, "huh?" was the only thing he managed.

I turned around and noticed all twelve of them, "all of you are brothers except for the Asian and the white dude" I said under dubious pretence, "c'mon man y'all a disappointment to Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X, wait this is how you celebrate the freedom Mandela has fought for you?", I said faking my disappointment, "I am French" said the guy on my left, "I am Welsh" said the guy in front of me.

"that's not the point wait… You don't mean to tell me the Cauck is your leader, hell no not with a first Black President", "of coz I'm in charge, vat do you zink?" Said the annoyed white Munssu.

Racism was invented to place whites in control while placing Blacks under that control and I was about to make it transparent that I, was in control.

"C'mon brothers, look at all of you big and strong, you really enjoy being push around by this scrawny white dude?" I asked, "hell no!" Cried the Munssu in front of me, "shut up, imbecile!", cried the Munssu in charge. "Homie you gonna let this popo disrespect you like that in front of your crew… I thought you were da man calling the shots up in here".  At that point I understood how my mysterious curse or gift worked, it was not about getting my way or getting what I wanted It was making the enemy feel that way. Bingo! And for the first time in months, I was able to use my curse without it draining my life.

"I'm tired of this little white Sisi's nagging, shouting and acting like a damn slave owner you ain't no mesa, fool!", Cried the Munssu in front of me now pointing the AK at the man in charge, and the lot followed including the Asian dude. "Now… now ze is no need for his remember I am a Bearer jus like you but a bit more, higher", explained the Munssu who was in charge trying to assure allegiance. 

"Oh no he didn't… you gon let him disrespect you like dat", instigated Ta-hawa. The Munssus had their Ak47s turned on their, former leader. Perfect, I whispered "get ready", I guess Makela heard. I took my iPod ear peace and plugged them on, perfect, No Body Test me by Choc Boiz was playing, already on M. I's verse. I covered half my face with my Angolan flag bandana. And then...

It all happened in thirty seconds. Thirty seconds can determine whether the fastest animal on land will catch a meal or not. The first rule of the Four Arts of Combat, disarm your opponent. Well, in this case, enemies, and to successfully do that you have to apply the Adrenaline Manoeuvre. Imagine that you are being attacked by something you cannot see because your eyes are too slow to follow, fancy huh? I know.

 The first man dislocated shoulders and trigger finger. Second man, dislocated knees and spine. The third man thought he was smart in attempting to stab me with his dagger although that didn't go well, I dodged, spun Fourth Man who ended with Third Man's blade in him, Fifth Man was reloading (why?) I threw Nimzy at him straight to the head, blood and brain matter squirted out.

The third man came at me, I went down on one knee releasing my Ark on sword gear, and decapitated Third Man, his headless body slid to the side as the head collapsed on the floor. Ark into spear mode, right to left-hand switch, and straight into the heart of Sixth Man. I removed my earpiece while looking at Makela who was sitting on top of her victim playing with her Kush arm beads.

Makela: you know Timmy thinks your music makes you slower in combat but I disagree. I believe it makes the slowest.

Jk: whose Timmy?

Makela: oh, the gentleman who so kindly volunteered to be a couch for me. [smacking Timmy's head from the back]

Timmy: what iz dis! [he exclaimed] Jk: where is Jed Carter?

Timmy: I will never tell you! [Exclaiming as Makela increased his pain]

Jk: I don't fancy calling you Timmy. Timothée, isn't it?

Timothée: yah! [he shrieked]

Jk: good, now I'm going to ask for the last time. If I get the wrong answer, I shall infect you with this. [showing Timothée a flask of reddish blood liquid]. You know since the outbreak of this elixir of death there has not been a cure, so cooperate.

Timothée: mama-mia... Fine! I will, I will!

Makela: good, now tell us Where we can find Jed Carter.

Timothée: okay! I shall tell… He… He…its est in Paris... north from… from ere. He iz in a well-guarded fortress. It's impossible to enter wizout permission.

Makela: that's what we were told before we crash-landed here.

Timothée: zont be mistaken, little girl!

Makela: I am a woman! [increasing Timothée's pain]

Timothée: pliz I beg of you, get zis mad being off of me! [exclaiming in pain beyond extreme]. He… he, he will be meeting a relative in…in cha ̶, Champ de Tour in the next se…seventeen hours. Ze person his meeting iz important to… to him so he will not be guarded. Some secrets are best kept as secrets. Zer he will be out of pro ̶, protection.

Jk: Your life has been spared. Makela, let's go, we have all the information we need.

Makela: I didn't. [injecting her dagger into Timothée's neck].

I was beginning to worry about Ta-hawa, she had been violent and deadly recently. Timothée was a Munssu but I don't see why he had to be killed. We walked out of the warehouse about three minutes later after setting the warehouse on fire, which was epic. Like now I know how actors and actresses feel when they walk in slow motion away from an explosion.