Elsewhere 4 The Caves of Hercules

"And even after that, you will have to make a trade, give up something to receive something", Alana choked. "give something like what?", Ta-hawa was more than ready to give anything for what she wanted back.  "I had to give up having more children to find my wife and daughter", Jacob swallowed his tea, with great difficulty", "Jacob…", Ta-hawa gasped. "that's the trick about the crystal, it's twisted.", Jacob smiled dryly. "what do you mean?", the suspense was getting on Ta-hawa's nerves.

"the crystal gave me an even worse ultimatum. If I accepted, I would find my family. The Keeper even vouched to send as there. All, under the condition that I could never have children as long as my wife was alive", the sadness in his voice dismayed her. Nevertheless, this wouldn't change her mind. "so the crystal gives anything?", "well, yes", Jacob answered.  "even life?", she asked. Jacob replied with a nod.

"Wait! What's going on here!?", her mother was perplexed. She had only realised that Ta-hawa was asking because she was going to go there. She wanted Juda back and was going to do anything to get him back. "Ailith… Ta-hawa, Juda is gone.", Alana said. "I can get him back with the crystal", Ta-hawa stood up ready for a fight.  "my child, it's too dangerous", cried Alana.

Ta-hawa's mind was already made. Alana looked at her adoptive brother for support, yet to no avail. Alana would occasionally blame Jacob for training Ta-hawa into the unyielding woman she became. Alana preferred her daughter as mummy's little angel, well, when she was mummy's little angel.

The young woman who stood before her was a powerful woman, moulded by the likeness of the Ntoma women. Alana was left without a choice but to give up her daughter to the Maditau. Ta-hawa never knew of this and because of it, she blamed her mother for giving her away for someone else to raise. How can a Scottish Caucasian raise a Kemet woman, the Maditau said to her? Those bitter words haunted her for thirteen years.

"Jacob, please, do something", Alana pleaded. "Al, even if I do, it won't change her mind", Jacob sighed.    "The best you can do is give her your blessings", he added.  "The trials inside the cave can break you, are you ready for that?", Alana cried. "that's beside the point", replied Ta-hawa. She was annoyed with her mother, however, Alana wasn't going to stop her, came hell or high water. If there was a way to bring Juda Kufu back, she was going to do it.

Alana stood up, she knew that she couldn't physically fight her daughter, but, she also knew that as much as Ta-hawa disliked her, she would not lay a hand on her, she was raised the Kongo way. "you do not have my blessing. You will not go", Alena said gruffly. Alana saw the disdain in her daughter's eyes. It was the only discipline that was keeping Ta-hawa from mutilating her mother.  A tear cascaded on Alana's face. She didn't understand why her daughter hated her so much. She was left without any option, the Maditau forced Alana to give up her daughter into her service.

Alana succumbed to it as that was what was best for Ta-hawa at the time.  She stared at Jacob, pleading for backup, but he too, raised Ta-hawa to be a strong woman, even greater than the strongest of men. Ta-hawa was led by Juda Kufu, nevertheless, on an even field, ruling out the gifts that Juda inherited, Ta-hawa was stronger them him. Jacob knew how it was all going to end, nevertheless, it was going to be a necessary journey for her. Perhaps closure. Perhaps it would harden her, however, the epiphany at the end of her journey was all she would need to move on.

Ta-hawa left the campfire unceremoniously.  If there was a chance that she could bring him back she wasn't going to sit around wandering the possibilities. She opened her drawer, "I have to find a better place to keep these", she sighed as she took out her weapons, which were in bead form. She wistfully glanced at her half of the Ntoma bead of Bond, a gift she gave to JK, on his birthday.

Her suit was in perfect condition, her Border Tribe Robe was warm enough, David had reactivated the robe's tech features which, the Apostles deactivated for some strange reason.

She stood in the living room of her cottage, taking the aura of the room. The cold solitude she was leaving. Ta-hawa was going to bring him back. This place won't be so lonely anymore, she thought to herself.

"Jacob, Tangier, right?", Ta-hawa asked. "be careful", he confirmed. Ta-hawa managed a dry smile. "Ailith, I forbid you to go. I'm your mother…", she cried, "you ought to listen to me", she added.  They locked eyes, momentarily. For a split second Alana thought she saw her little girl still somewhere in Ta-hawa, however, that was short-lived. The disdainful look Ta-hawa had towards her mother beguiled her radiant face. "if you were my mother, you'd have never forsaken me to the Maditau", she said flatly.

 "Jacob…", she gave her farewell, "Ta-hawa", he smiled dryly. "remember, I'm just an earpiece away", "yes, uncle", she smiled.  "Ailith… Ta-hawa!", Alana called for her daughter, but, her back was already turned, she was a Ntoma woman of Kongo, she wasn't going to give a last turn. Ta-hawa wasn't going to look back.

 At a comfortable distance from the campfire, she spread her wings and flew off. "Jacob, what have I done", Alana sobbed.  Jacob held her adoptive sister as she wept. They both gazed at the distant figure in the sky that belonged to Ta-hawa until it faded into the dim.

Ta-hawa was certain of one thing if it would only cost her to trade anything, even her own life, she was going to do it to bring Juda Kufu back. Nothing was going to stop her. "Sargent… do you read me. Sargent, this is Boity Dumelo", the voice spoke via her helmet's communicator. "you have been summoned to join F.O.R.C.E", she continued.  "F.O.R.C.E? Jovania Kenga's coalition?", she asked, momentarily interested.  "yes, Sargent", confirmed Boity.

Jovania Kenga, the Matriarch of Temple Lusangidika. She was among the strongest and knowledgeable mentors of the present age. "I got my own shit to handle", "Sargent…", pleaded Boity. "Boity, is it?", she asked, "yes, Sargent", "if she wants me, she'll have to come and get me herself. She'd better be ready for a fight because I'm not changing my current course", warned Ta-hawa.

"A fight you say, let's have a go then, shall we?", this time the voice wasn't from the communicator. Ta-hawa turned around to see who the voice belonged to, "shit…", Ta-hawa bewildered. "Jovania Kenga…", "not so tough, huh?", said Jovania, smiling mirthlessly as she released her ark in sword gear.