A schemer's scheme

Rudra started to test out Furball's support skills , mass revive, mass teleport and replace. 

Mass revive was just like its name suggested , a spell that could revive the fallen comrades in battle , albeit at 10% HP once their health bottoms out. It was a skill that a tier 4 priest should have , hence it was shocking to see the tier two nine tailed fox have it. 

But it worked exactly as Rudra hoped , with a 5 second time constraint , any dead member could be revived. The maximum number being 20. Hence if due to some strong spell , the entire party or if half the party is wiped out , then Furball can use this spell to bring them back to life. 

Overall it had its limits , due to Furball only being able to cast it once , and the revival time limit window being only 5 seconds. However undoubtedly it was a very useful move to have in one's arsenal.