A handicapped fight

Rudra continued his speech for another 10 minutes or so , where he felt like a real leader , talking about motivation and future goals and all the other boring stuff , that was necessary to get everyone on the same page. 

Everyone should know the immediate goals and the next course of action for the guild . Only by collectively working towards goals could they be achieved. 

Rudra ended his speech by saying " If anyone of you wants to ask anything to any of the HOD members or me .... Feel free to ask now ". 

A moment of silence fell on the crowd as the teenager's looked at each other , trying to see if anyone had the guts to speak infront of such a loud crowd. 

When one guy , raised his hand high . His other hand in his pocket and his hair all messy .... From top to bottom , one look at the kid and you would get the vibe of ' Delinquent'. 

However , Rudra just smiled , and said " Yes , introduce yourself first , then ask your question? ".