Things go horribly wrong

Rudra asked one thing from Jhonny , which was that if things looked difficult in the fight against Mazikeen for Emperor Cervantez , then he must help the emperor and change the tide of the battle. 

Rudra was familiar with Jhonny's unique skill. And in a fight with tier 5 powerhouses where even a single breath could kill someone like him. He could only entrust the job to Jhonny who had the ability to hang in there. 

For the rest of the Elites they had the same goal as Rudra , to defend their city at all costs. The severity of the war was only understood by everyone when a sea of players assembled outside the north ,east and west gates of Purplehaze city , 5 million on each sides to make a total of 15 million troops. 

The army not only consisted of players but also paladins from the church of light , the Hazelgroove Royal forces and the various military divisions.