A scary night

Fighting tooth and nail and till their knees caved , the elites somehow managed to get to the day's end without the wall being breached.

There was 15 hours of daylight in Purplehaze city , and after 15 hours of back and forth intense fighting although there were no major victories the elites did manage to hold onto their line without the wall being breached which was a small win for them. 

On the other hand it was a reality check for the blood merchants who had expected to topple the elites by this point in the war , but they did not anticipate the elites to be so resilient that after a day of war they made no progress at all. 

Scar-face took the lesson positively and he decided to give Rudra credit where credit was due and seriously plan the action for day 2 in these 9 hours after having a meeting with all generals.