Rudra's Verdict

( SMG Security Surveillance Footage - Over last 3 months ) 

Amelia provided Rudra with a clip of SMG 's behaviour over the last 3 months and the contents of this clip were absolutely shocking. 

Rudra was made aware that SMG was abusing drugs however he was never told that the man was morally weak and such a pervert as it came as a huge shock to Rudra when he saw his movements in the clip.

On 23 May : when the hell war was not yet started and the Elites were overswamped with work one could see a drug abused SMG gaining re-entry into the upside as he seems to not have perfect physical balance. 

Falling on his back several times as he tried to climb steps that were not there at all in open streets it was clear that his condition was not the best , however when a resident of upside , a young woman came to help SMG to his feet he grabbed both the woman's breasts and molested her in the middle of the street.