Max shines

( Max's POV) 

As the earth trembled and the clouds parted , Rudra's attack was so terrifying and so magnificent that it not only killed Darius , but also left the entirety of the army of death re-energised. 

The primal roar of cheer thay Max heard from his colleagues as Rudra unleashed that attack was something he would never forget in his life as it sent goosebumps down his spine. 

His brother was something else , and it seemed as if he had once more made an unlikely comeback , one which no-one expected him to make. 

Clutching his fists Max smiled , as taking charge he said " Mining division, it's out turn now , CHARGE! " 

" Arghghhhhhh " the warriors in the mining division shouted as they charged towards the enemy tier 3 division , engaging in a battle with their superior counterparts without fear of losing their lives.