
Sariel said " You see my friend Rudra, we have a slight problem here". 

Rudra tightened up, one hand involuntarily reaching for the sword which was not present on his waist since he was not in Omega. 

" Agh , don't worry about it , you cant summon weapons out of your system space here, only angel weapons are allowed ". Raphael said casually, it was almost as if he found Rudra's involuntary action to be ' cute '. 

Rudra mentained eye contact with the two men and said " What problem? " 

Sariel walked upto him and with a very kind expression flicked his white angelic wings as he said " this is the problem ". 

Rudra did not understand what was the problem with his wings as he remained perplexed as to what Sariel was leading towards. 

However at this moment Hazriel interrupted as she said " Look, let me cut to the chase. 

A human turning into an angel is unheard of in the universe.