Chapter 7

"Mila, will you wait here for a moment please while I have a little talk with Miss Smallwood?" Principal Rose nodded toward Miss Smallwood and they both disappeared into a second bedroom. What the heck is an Invoker? I thought to myself. I had absolutely no clue what was going on, was I going to get punished or not? What had I really done that was bad enough for my teacher to drag me into the Principals bedroom of all places, and then still have the nerve to call me names? Couldn't she have just sent me on my way and dealt with whatever punishment I needed once Principal Rose was awake and in her office. How am I ever going to be able to face either of them ever again? The minutes turned into hours, or more realistically, given the situation, it was probably more like the seconds turned into minutes and they still hadn't returned from their "little talk" I glanced over at the bedside table and it flashed 4.52am, Oh hell, I thought to myself, I must have woken Miss Smallwood up at least forty five minutes ago. I also would have been seriously bleak if someone had done that to me! Just then the spare room door opened and Principal Rose appeared. "I am so sorry to have kept you Mila" she said, "Miss Smallwood was just explaining what you told her earlier on this morning." "I am so so sorry!" I exclaimed, realising a little too late that I had just completely interrupted Principal Rose. "It was silly of me to have woken you both, it was a silly little dream and I feel terrible about turning it into something bigger than it was." I tried to make myself look as sincere in my apology as I could. "Mila, there is no need for you to apologise, no need whatsoever, why don't you come over here and have a cup of tea, and lets you and I have a little talk of our own, Miss Smallwood, thank you for your time, you may be excused." She said with a slight nod toward the door. Miss Smallwood gave me a quick glance as she exited the door, still looking rather shaken up.

"Don't be frightened Mila, Miss Smallwood has just never encountered anyone with your particular ability before, she was merely unsure of how to deal with it, but it is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of." I looked at Principal Rose with what must have been complete and utter confusion as she continued to explain. "You see Mila; you have an additional gift, one that is very seldom heard of, in fact, I myself have also never had the privilege of meeting someone like you. You are what is more commonly known as an Invoker. An Invoker not only has the ability to mould dreams into reality, they also have the ability to return the dead to the living if the dead so wish to do so. I have only ever heard of two cases in the past 4 centuries. People with your ability are very few and far between. But I need you to understand that although this may seem like an incredibly appealing gift, it is most certainly not one to be toyed with. As you can imagine, bringing someone back from the dead would not only throw the world and society off balance, it would also greatly jeopardise our solitude. The world is not, and may never be ready to learn that there are people out there like us, people who have the sort of abilities that we do, they will fear us, and they will not be able to accept that it is normal. It is imperative that they never learn of us, and as you can imagine, the dead miraculously reappearing, will raise quite a few suspicions and questions. The dead are not meant to be here on this earth, they were taken for a reason and meant to remain in the afterlife, as hard as it is to know that they are out there and that you have the ability to bring them back, you never can. Do you understand what I am telling you?" "I understand Principal Rose, but honestly, I wouldn't even know where to begin, I mean, how would I even know if I am bringing them back or not, I don't know anything about this ability? I still don't even know how to control my Whimsy ability. This is all too much, I don't know what I'm doing, I'm scared and I feel like I am drowning." I could feel the tears building up in the back of my throat as I spoke; this was all too much for me. I had no idea where to begin, or where I was going to end up. "We will do everything in our power to help you through this, we will train you and teach you to the best of our ability, there is no reason to be afraid, we are a family here and we will get through this together. There is a bright side to your ability, you may not be able to do it yet, but soon, you will have the power to communicate with any loved one who has passed over, without bringing them back. You will be able to see them and talk to them whenever you want. That is an amazing and wonderful gift to have, most people would give anything to be able to see and communicate with a lost loved one again." I took in the words that Principal Rose was saying, and although I was still terrified, I knew that what she was saying was also very special. I could talk to Megan again, I could be there for her and help her through her battle, I could confide in my Grandmother who passed away when I was Nine years old, we had always been so close, but what I was still battling to understand was why Megan had seemed so terribly scared. I still got chills just at the thought of it. "Come on now; let us get you back to your room so that you can get ready for class. I think that it would be best if this conversation remains between us. Let us not involve any other student or teacher with this until such time that we have managed to find a way to control your power. I will advise Miss Smallwood that she is to pay extra special attention to you in class, I will personally amend your Dream Dome accordingly and between us we will get through this with no unnecessary incidents. Go on now child, get back to your room and freshen up for breakfast.