Quick fight

At some point all the gods came to a conclusion, if there were only their children on the planet, it would make the game boring and lacking in excitement, so they created beings that serve no one and named them Monsters.

Each god created a different kind of monster, some even more than one, no matter what kind, these monsters would kill without even hesitating, many intelligent species found ruin in a short period of time for not being prepared enough.

For this reason, some species joined together to create a coalition of monster hunters known as the "Adventurer's Guild", together they fight against species that are out of control or that are threatening to the intelligent races.

(An Adventurer's Guide 04 - Page 068)


The whole room stank of blood and rot, there were human bodies everywhere and next to them were bloody torture machines with skeletal bodies attached to them, rats feasted on the dying and flies laid eggs on the skeletons.

But what scared me the most was that thing in the middle of the room.


(Note: no words)

(Weaknesses: Chest cuts, eyes, knees, ankles, wrists, fingers)

(Difficulty rating: 25/100)

A giant from my point of view holding a axe even bigger than me, a grayish green skin, a muscular body made for battles wearing a worn blue armor with missing parts, signs of a hard fight.

Its eyes bled and had no pupils, its chest had a cut still open, its wrists bled, its ankles were swollen, its knees were marked by pincers, some of its fingers were missing or missing fingernails, and the index finger was in an impossible position.

The creature was in pain, but he still kept his long axe resting on his shoulder, his free arm hanging in front of his body, and he kept a crouched position just waiting for his next target.

The torture this creature had endured must have been so heavy that his mind broke and what was left was only his battle spirit and an unshakable will to kill his next target, but it certainly wouldn't be me.

The silence weighed heavy on my chest, but I still thought of acting, but I was saved thanks to the movie in my mind and from this I drew a plan to win.

"Give me your stone, I will win."


(POV Long Neck)

This Goblin named Greedy is very strange, he speaks in a strange language, nothing I can't decipher in time, and not enough he doesn't seem to have suffered from the attacks of those colorful creatures, which is impossible since touching them causes injuries.

My hands are proof of this, only after my second attack did I think of using stones, if I didn't need someone to serve as bait, I would never ally myself with someone so strange.

With full concentration I see him throw the stone a little away from himself, then I see the monster's axe hit the exact spot where he threw the stone, this is genius, while the creature attacks the spot where the stone fell.

Greedy, turns his big body around and attacks a blind spot, the knee that was previously a little damaged was completely broken and so the creature lost his balance and fell on one knee.

The axe that was far away comes back at a speed that I can barely keep up with, but as if to predict it, Greedy dodges with total ease and this time hits the left elbow with total ease and makes the weapon fall to the ground.

Still not giving up, the green monster tries to bite the little goblin's neck, but is thwarted as its huge mouth bites only the air above Greedy's head and following the momentum of its deflection, it goes through the creature's neck with its nails.


(POV Greedy)

Just as I had thought, he is blind and due to the monstrous amount of wounds on his body, it made him slow enough for me to be able to dodge his attacks, but in the end he fought well.


Those were the words he spoke as he died, blood continued to flow from his neck and down my shoulder, I was in shock as it should be impossible for a creature to speak intelligently.

"Strong and intelligent"

These words came from my back and snapped me out of my trance, when I turned around I saw Long Neck looking at me with an amazed expression, he seemed genuinely surprised at my way of fighting, even though it was me, I couldn't have even done half of this without the movie in my head.

"I'm Greedy, if you want we can continue together"

It would be helpful to have someone to talk to and he also seems to be special in some way since he speaks my language, I will keep him around and see if he is like me.

Right after that I approached the body and did what was necessary, the meat is hard and the taste of blood makes me feel nauseous, but still I follow chewing.

(Gene points earned)

(Gene points +10)

(New species discovered: Common Orc)

(Skill acquired due to high volume of ingested genes)

(Sharp hearing)

Two things surprised me: first, I received an ability after eating a whole arm, even though I didn't know how to use it, and second, I defeated an Orc, a third generation monster created by the war-mad god.

Orcs are strong creatures and made for fighting, I heard this from a renowned adventurer who passed by my village once.

After I ate two arms, there were no more "P.G." gains, so I stopped eating and started searching on his body, his armor didn't fit on my body, so all I got was a shoulder pad that resembles a raven.

From what was left of his clothes I tore off and wrapped it around my body like a toga, and that was all I could carry, but on his ring finger I saw something shiny that caught my attention.

(Artifact detected)

(Modifying and updating in real time)

(Ring of the Fallen Raven)

(After the death of the orc general by the hands of an inferior creature, this ring came to receive his soul)

(Effect: Soul Storage: 01/100)

Incredible, an artifact, something I could only see in my dreams when I was human, okay it has no useful ability, or even seems to be made of anything valuable, but still it is incredible.

With much anticipation I approached the axe, but unfortunately nothing happened and since it was too big for me to carry I abandoned it, it was then that I saw something shiny on the orc's chest.

It is a light blue stone so I approached it and put my hand on the stone, then it happened, an electricity crossed my whole body and an endless ecstasy covered me and some guides appeared in front of me

(Life stone detected)

(Requirements for evolution, found)

(Consume 1/10 life stones to complete the evolution)

It was strange, it looked like an ordinary stone, but I could feel and know what it meant, it was all the vitality that creature had, concentrated in just one point, when human I knew of its existence, but never even got to see it.

After this I checked the room quickly, it was obviously used for interrogation, while the orc was a prisoner. Dungeons do this, they take historical places and turn the beings in that place into enemies, but also tell the truth of what happened.

After a while I lost interest and left, as soon as I passed through the door I got a fright, there were two more goblins there besides Long, it was them, Red and Blue, Red was missing one of his arms, while Blue was missing one of his legs, it seems to have been some kind of burn.


One of them asked me for help, something seemed wrong, it was almost as if they knew I could help them, even if that wasn't true.

"I don't know how"

Even though I said this, that they continued to stare at me with total hope, surely they didn't understand me, so how did they ask me for help ? I looked at Long, and he was looking at the ground while seeming to count his toes, he looked totally guilty. (but can he count?)

"What did you tell them?"


It was a rather timid nothing, and at the same time as he said this I heard a quickening rhythm, it was his heart, he had become nervous and there was only one reason for that, he was lying!

"Don't lie to me"

A little conflicted he revealed the truth, he told the "magical" way I defeated the Orc and taught them to speak my name and the word help, so they could talk to me, initially I thought it was strange that they were speaking my language.

And this hearing-based ability is very impressive, I could hear his heartbeat, his pulse and discern if he was telling the truth, and while I was listening I heard one of the goblins crying and it made my heart heavy.