The Blood Goblin

After I was reborn I acquired instincts and abilities that I as a human never had, a mind full of strategies for battle, an incredible capacity for decision making, and a future that I could shape with effort.

In my old life I had a tedious routine that consisted of waking up, working in the tavern all day and returning home where I read bedtime stories to my sister, I suffered with an incurable disease that took my stamina and strength.

Now I am standing here looking at an ant, its large head imposing. As I have eaten one before I now know that its name is the Gluttonous Ant and its class in the hive is worker, the lowest class.

Their function in the hive is diverse, but I particularly like to call them scouts, located in the outer part of the anthill, they search for threats to their society, I may have killed one by luck, but I fear that not all will be so.

Crouching down I approach from behind, but I am easily located, I believe that despite being big this "ass" is not her weak point, unlike the other, this one turned around and aimed her tweezers in my direction.


It was threatening me, warning me that it would attack me if it advanced any further, however I don't have much time, my attempt at a sneak attack failed and now I will have to eliminate it quickly and eat as much as possible to acquire PG.

Her huge abdomen is an obvious weakness and will surely be something exploited by me, it has only been a short time since I acquired this ability to control my bones so I can only do simple things like.


From my index finger flies a thin and pointed but short bone, an obvious bait, which the ant takes, its large body doesn't move fast enough and my attack hits and pierces, making it squeal in pain.

At that very moment I moved and grabbed one of its front legs and levered myself upwards and at the same instant it closed its jaws, but I already knew this would happen so I used my claws to pierce its "neck" and stop my momentum.

A weakness of almost any insect, the thin joints of its body, the head fell off, severed, and in a great hurry I ate it and went to my next victim while watching the time.

The first ant took about 11 minutes to die, this time it only took me 8 minutes, I have to make this time even shorter, otherwise I won't get enough points as each ant is worth 5 points.

Moving the fingers of my hands I did a precise calculation while moving, I have 32 minutes to kill 20 ants, to make 100 gene points and get the most expensive skill, unfortunately I don't have much time.

With sonar I found my next prey, an ant walking on its usual path didn't even have time to think, from the ground beneath its feet I emerged, the bones of its hands as long as swords.

Its body was pierced deeply and it died quickly and painlessly, taking into account the time of the hole, it took me another 8 minutes to finish this one off, it was still taking too long, there has to be something I can do to shorten this time.

It was then that I saw something on the sonar, several immobile targets, the size looked much smaller than a regular ant, measuring the distance it would take me about 20 minutes just to get there and there were five ants in my way there.

It's risky considering that I currently have 24 minutes left, it means having to kill one ant per minute and ignore the last one, right it's time to bet my future on that time.

With full attention I ran, using the sonar was already making my head hurt and there was a thin and disturbing sound ringing in my ears, I am about to reach my limit and I have just found the first ant.

Luckily for me it is on its back so I ducked, from my last two fights I realized that they see at 350 degrees, their weak point being below their huge ass and from this I have a great advantage.

Crouching down and moving fast I got right under his ass and with a bone that I left out of my body beforehand I opened his whole weak point, a light green liquid fell on the ground and the ant was gone soon after.

I pulled off one of its legs and continued running while eating, I am smelling the ant now, or the guts of one, I hope this does not harm me in the future.

It didn't take long before I found the second ant, this one is not a scout but one of the workers, on its body is the body of some unknown animal, with total caution I sneaked away and managed to continue on my way without being discovered.

Internally celebrating my great luck I kept running and used the sonar to check and incredibly there were no more ants in my way, the three that were placed in front of me started running in different directions.

An ant colony has many tunnels, so it can be considered a labyrinth that is always growing, and using these tunnels the ants seem to be trying to get somewhere, going in different directions.

Which is strange since ants usually only get together for two reasons, either when they find food and need all of it to be able to carry it, or when they find an enemy.

At this moment a feeling of crisis grew in my heart, is it possible? Were the ants going where I came from? If so then I must hurry even more.

When I reached the halfway point the whole place shook and a shriek ominous enough to cause me to shiver sounded throughout the place.

"Damn, I've been discovered"

But stopping to think I didn't try to hide that I was here, if they follow the trail of bodies I left they will find me quickly, looking at the clock I saw that there are still 12 minutes left before the store is gone.

And using the sonar I saw that the ants are scattering randomly throughout the colony, apparently they are looking for me, but I can't turn back, I have to bet all my chips on reaching that place in time, otherwise things might get difficult for me.

With even more effort I ran, the fear pushed my legs and the adrenaline made me move even faster, in moments of crisis is when you can see the real capacity of a living being and at this moment I finally saw mine.

(Hidden skill awakened - Blessed Blood)

At some point blood started to leak from my nose and ears and somehow I felt even stronger, faster, the more blood that fell the better I felt and this culminated in a second event.

(The goblin named Greedy caught the eye of the god of eclipse)

(The skill Blessed Blood evolved into - Body baptized by blood)

Immediately red lines appeared where the blood flowed down and formed unknown runes with various unknown designs and abstract shapes and it only ended when I reached my destination.



(Special store open for a limited time 05:34)

(Current gene points: 20)

(Skill: Osteokinesis - 50 GP)

(Skill: Shadowwalker - 60 GP)

(Skill: Dressage - 60 GP)

(Skill: Animal Attraction - 65 GP)

(Skill: Summoning from another world - 65 GP)

(Skill: Necro - 70 GP)

(Skill: Vivere - 70 GP)

(Skill: Universal language - 75 GP)

(Skill: Endless culture - 75 GP)

(Skill: Higher elemental affinity - 100 GP)