Pluto, thank you

On that day the third era began, monsters sprang up like insects all over the world, and unfortunately the city where she lived fell apart before the gods' terrible sense of humor. Some time later I found her body still alive and ran as fast as possible to a church.

I begged the healers for healing, but I had nothing to offer so I was denied, helplessly I ran with her frozen body in my arms in search of a savior, but no one appeared.

In the dark of night the body was almost lifeless, however, a beacon lit up in my darkness, I found a dungeon filled with vital energy, it was so much that the surrounding creatures had changed color and became green.

The lake, the rocks, everything green, I am not a life energy manipulator, but I knew how a healing potion worked, with surgical precision I provided her with what she needed, the life energy healed her and kept her alive, but her consciousness did not return.

In the dungeon there were other creatures, ants, small ones still, a group ruled by a queen who when she saw me fainted, I found this amusing so I adopted them and helped them grow their community.

Little by little time passed and the ants grew stronger, I was elected their king for some reason and was adored by all and in the midst of my happiness a gift was granted to me by my god, a piece of information filled my head.

I now knew how to cure the woman of my life, quickly I gathered all the things, it took months but I managed, when I came back I had dreams and plans, I had even chosen a name for the child, but something was strange.

Just so you understand, faeries have a special method to give birth, they don't keep the baby in the womb like humans, they make it come out of nothing consisting only of the purest life energy.

An ethereal and involuntary form is born and remains so for months, but this baby was not purely fairy and therefore had a physical body, a body that lay in the room for days, maybe weeks I have no way of telling.

The ant queen had grown in intelligence and power, her only desire was to grow her colony even more, so she ordered that every living being should be captured and served as food for her, low level ants are dumb and took literally every living being.

The child that I had decided to raise as my own, my son was taken to her and she eagerly ate whatever she was given and didn't even care about age or appearance, but this was only discovered by me later and is really not the focus of the story, the focus is what comes next.

Well, when I returned Eve's eyes were already open, but she was crying in a disconsolate way, when she saw me she cried even more and told me her greatest secret and that her greatest fear had come true, her baby was taken from her, so she said, monsters took him away.

Once again I have abandoned her in an important moment, once again I am blamed for her pain and suffering, once again I have failed with her, and in the midst of all my pain I hear him laughing at me, the god who had helped me.

It may have been a delirium, but I heard his endless laughter, it was him, it was always him who was to blame for everything, I screamed in rage and created my most powerful magic and with it my wish was fulfilled, I changed my face, my soul, my feelings I became another being and severed the connection with the god of wisdom and with my pain.

She had no such powerful ability so she left me to overcome, but her pain was so great that she preferred to lock herself up in some tower of magic and devote her entire existence to her research, more than two hundred years passed just on this, she didn't speak, didn't eat, didn't sleep and lived only on her own vital energy.

A lifetime of pain and mourning, of suffering and loneliness, my love was gone, pain took over, on her last day of life, on her deathbed I was there and she looked me one last time in the eyes and said.

"Don't blame yourself Pluto, it wasn't your fault"

Two hundred years without speaking to each other, the first and last thing she said to me was all I wanted to hear, my pain only increased, she died soon after, I couldn't even say goodbye and tell her I loved her, I could only cry and suffer.

I wanted to scream out my sins, I wanted to say that yes it was my fault from the beginning, but there was no one to listen, being forgiven only made me feel even more bad.

Eve was my teacher, from her I learned everything I didn't know, about life and about love and I learned that the impossible is not really impossible if you try hard enough, in her honor or maybe just to lessen my pain, I finished her method of magic.

I found out later by reading the ants' minds their guilt, I wanted to destroy them, all of them, but were they really to blame? I wanted to die, but I couldn't, I couldn't let the wretched god of wisdom win, and instead I isolated myself.

In the dungeon I put a magic so powerful that even if a god looked for it, he wouldn't find it, only those as lost as you, those who don't want to find it, could find it.

Before you appeared I was desperate, so desperate that I used fairy magic, lost spirit magic, I wanted to talk to her, tell her everything I felt everything I did, I wanted to heal this pain and sorrow, but she didn't answer me.

And contrary to what I expected, other souls spoke, again and again, in all my attempts she never answered me. And after a while all the others spoke only of you, someone who came back from death, and so I hatched a plan, crazy and desperate, which was to use you to make you bring her back just as you came back, but reading your mind I saw only the same as me.

Pain, sadness and loneliness, the desire to die deep and rooted in your mind, I thought you were weak and that you would kill yourself if I told you the truth about your sister, that you would kill me if I gave you the opportunity.

But in the end you were different from me, your power was in something else, something I couldn't identify, you didn't kill me and instead wanted to use me, you said you wanted to die but dreamed of a future that you considered impossible.

"Greedy I already told you this once and I will tell you again, you saved me thank you very much"

He bent his body and gave a salute that is given to a king, to me, a simple human commoner who is now a goblin, two extremes of weakness, tears were running down my eyes the story was sad and the thanks was so happy, I am so confused.

I don't know why I am crying, if it is happiness or sadness, I only know that this man in front of me in a few weeks, was a father I never had, he took me in, protected me and taught me, it may have been little, but it was something I never had before.

"Thank you Pluto, you showed me that I have a life and that I want to continue with it, you were a father that I never had"

I likewise lowered my head and for a few seconds we stood like that, Ari didn't seem to understand the whole story but seeing me lower my head he did too.

Feeling a hand on the top of my head I raise it and to my surprise a different face was looking at me, a full beard completing his face, brown hair flying in the wind and eyes as purple as gems.

"That is me, for real, I will say goodbye to you with my real face, my son, now we will begin the last part of your training."